1998-2003 Mack Brown

Houston lawyer Joe Jamail says about Mack Brown, “ he’s the closest thing we’ve had to Darrell Royal since Darrell Royal.”


Tillman Holloway shares his story with the TLSN readers, detailing his successful recruitment to Texas under Mack Brown. A recruiting process that led Tillman Holloway and many others to Texas to rebuild the Longhorns as a football power.

Tillman earned All-American honors at Texas from 2000 to 2003.

Sarah Holloway

Tillman comes from a family with a strong Longhorn sports background. At six feet tall, Sarah Holloway played volleyball for the Horns.

Tillman’s grandfather, Bud McFadin, was an All-American for Texas from 1948 to 1950 and has been inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame.

Tillman says about his recruitment,

Darrell Royal, Bud McFadin (grandad), and Mack Brown were all waiting for me in Mack Brown’s office on my recruiting trip. Coach Brown orchestrated the entire thing and I will never forget that day. Sitting around and listening to the heritage, friendship, and the competitive spirit that was alive and well in their hearts, made me realize how special it would be to be a part of something so much bigger than myself. Coach Brown brought the history back to Texas and reminded everyone again that, We Are Texas!

DKR and Mack Brown’s lives mirrored each other in many ways. Mack Brown was a good high school athlete, lettering in three sports. He was good enough to be recruited by Bear Bryant, but he instead chose to join his older brother at Vanderbilt and then transferred to Florida State. His roommate was Hodges Mitchell, whose son played for Mack Brown at Texas. Brown suffered a serious knee injury at Florida State, ending his football career.

Mack Brown’s Coaching chronology:

  • receiver coach at Souther Mississippi for 4 years;

  • one year at Memphis State ;

  • three years at Iowa State;

  • LSU for one year.

  • In 1983 he took his first head coaching job at Appalachian State and successfully turned the program around. Mack said that this was a great job that forced him to learn all facets of college football logistics not just coaching. Mack says “I did everything” ordering equipment, producing the sports information media guide, taught a class, and drove a state car;

  • 1984 OU coach Barry Switzer hired him as the offensive coordinator; Years later, Barry said, “Mack was the complete package” and the most talented offensive coach he was ever associated with.”

  • Then back to head coaching at Tulane taking a losing team to 6-5 season by 1987 with a bowl game setting school records in offense and points;

  • Then he was off to North Carolina, whose high academic standards would create recruiting challenges. To make matters worse, North Carolina was known for basketball, not football. Mack turned this program around from 1- 10 to a 10-1 and 10-2 record when Texas offered Mack the Longhorn job.

By 1997, Mack was a Longhorn. He gives credit for his decision to leave North Carolina to DKR. Mack Brown said, “I believe that unless Coach Royal had been involved, we would not have left (North Carolina) to come to Texas.

Mack made very few missteps after taking the job. At his first meeting with the players, he said, “we’re not into rebuilding or running seniors off.” “Winning heals more things than anything else ….. and we want to win.”

He had a Southern accent that made the small-town Texan feel welcome. He looked good in both cowboy boots and a coat and tie, and inner-city, big-city suburbs and rural recruits loved him.

By the time he had his first summer practices, he had delivered 93 speeches to alumni, sportswriters, and high school coaches.

In the book, “The Road to Texas by Mike Roach, B.J. Johnson, who played for Mack, says, “At that time, there was nobody in America who was better at going into a living room and closing a deal in recruitment.” Brown may have been known as the best closer in college football, but his secret weapon in recruiting was his wife.


Coach Brown is the consummate Coach and inspirational leader.  

Coach Mack Brown

Mack Brown set several NCAA records, including 

  • The Only University in NCAA History To Post 10 Wins A Year For 9 Consecutive Years (2001-2009)

  • Texas holds the NCAA record For remaining in the top 25 for 162 Weeks (2000-2010)

  • It’s the first UT team to win five bowl games in a row.

  • Except for one year, he took Texas to a bowl game during his tenure

  • Brown had nine years straight with double-digit wins

  • Mack and Coach Royal are the only two Longhorn coaches with over 100 wins.

Mack Brown quotes 

See More At: Http://Www.Great-Quotes.Com/Quote/523278#Sthash.FaIHd5qX.Dpuf

Two quotes from Coach Royal to Coach Brown that got Mack Brown’s attention. 

When Mack Brown was at Tulane, Coach Royal tells him, “You ought to get out of here as fast as you can and go to a University that has “The” in front of it.”

Coach Royal said about Texas to Mack Brown “The good news is there are 17 million people who care about UT football. The bad news is there are 17 million people who care about UT football.”

Before Mack Brown was hired, most fans believed that Gary Barnett from Northwestern would be the new head coach at Texas.  

Coach Brown knows that to turn the football program around, he needs to rally the fans, engage the media, win the confidence of the present players, develop a relationship with the high school coaches, and recruit, recruit, recruit.  

After one of Coach Brown’s speeches to the fans about the new direction of Texas football under his guidance, Sally Brown said to her husband. “They (the fans) got the part about being positive- at least for the time being. But that ‘patient’ part flew right by them.”

About Recruiting

Mack says, “Recruiting is about building relationships with kids and their families, and that’s what we try to do.”

Fozzy Whittaker Longhorn, in 2007, defined Mack Brown’s recruiting policy that made the Longhorns successful for a decade. Fozzy says that Oklahoma State and LSU offered him a scholarship over the phone. But Mack Brown told Fozzy, “We only offer people (a scholarship) in person because we want it to feel very personal. We want that acknowledgment that…. you will be part of this family if you commit to us.” Fozzy says about Mack’s recruiting style, “It didn’t make me feel like I was just a recruiting number. It made me feel like I was actually wanted from the standpoint of I’m willing to meet you face-to-face before I even give you an offer. “

On Junior Day for high school athletes, Mack Brown had a panel of varsity players chosen. During a particular period, the recruits and parents could ask some Longhorn varsity players questions. Then, there was a period where everyone left the meeting room except the high school recruits and the Longhorn players. It was an opportunity for the athletes to meet on a more personal level without outside influences.

About Academics

UT Academia loved Mack’s comment, “We may be in the entertainment business on the weekends, but we are in the education business during the week.” Walters said the coaching philosophy was more “teachers- not intimidators.”  

About High School Coaches

In the book “One HeartBeat” author Mack Brown says of High School Coaches:

“There is no way to put a value on what high school coaches do for kids  or on how hard their job is.  They are, like other teachers, vastly underpaid, but very important to the future of our society.” Coaches teach principles and values that extend beyond the class-room and the playing field."  "He can touch a kid's heart when nothing else can reach him. 

In the book “Echoes of Texas Football,” the author states that Brown started a Texas high school coaches clinic, which was a huge success, attracting more than 1000 coaches yearly. The coach also invited high school coaches to attend the fall practices, and he gave them each a free pass to every home game. “They came, they saw, they returned home excited about Brown, the UT facilities, and the Longhorns.” “Coach Brown is a great multi-tasker, part motivator, part psychologist, part salesman, and part football brainiac.”

About self-evaluation

“Self-evaluation is the hardest thing any of us have to do. It contradicts self-image in some ways, and we all— particularly in athletics— promote a strong self-image and feeling good about yourself and being positive.”

About Hair

“Hair is not a factor in winning or losing……… but is important in personal impressions that may remain for years and affect the player’s ability to get a job.” Mack says, “It is my responsibility to let the players know everyone is constantly evaluating them.” You don’t want a player to make a life-changing decision now because they didn’t understand that their actions have consequences. Mack eventually relaxed his stance on hairstyle after listening to the team members’ requests for more options.

About Music

The coach did not disapprove of the players listening to music warming up in the locker room, but he did reject the content of many of the songs. Mack called a team meeting and said that lyrics that talk about beating up women and police officers or are vulgar and talk about sex and drugs are not okay at team functions. After the meeting, the players came up with songs they could play in pregame and in the locker room that accomplished what they wanted, but it was not offensive.


 Mack Brown “ we are like pieces of clay, and each person who touches us makes an impression.”  

Above -Selvin Young, Mike Garcia, Daisy Garcia, and Vince Young May 2016. 

A Condensed Bullet Point History Of Texas Longhorn Football During The Brown Years Follows. Please Go To The “Credit” Section Of This Website To View Books You Can Purchase From Many Fine Book Stores About Texas Longhorn Football, Or Please Visit The Official University Of Texas Longhorn Site Texassports.Com.   

Coach Brown Is The 28th Football Coach at Texas. DKR tells Coach Brown that since 1977, the Texas football program’s direction looked like a box of BBs dropped on the floor. Royal said, “Everyone is going in different directions, and your job (Mack Brown) is to get the BBs back in the box.” 

It is hard to believe that as successful as the Texas Longhorn teams are from 1998- 2003, none of these teams won a Big 12 championship or received a BCS offer. 

Ricky Williams wants to stay one more year, but he tells Coach Brown the organization needs discipline. “Coach Mackovic’s staff, they were like NFL guys. They gave us the game plan and said, ‘Play.'” 

Ricky Williams decides to return for his senior year by stating, “There are certain things money can’t buy, like camaraderie, and the team being together and loyalty. Money can’t buy those things.” In the book The Die-Hard Fan’s Guide to Longhorn Football, an observation is made that Ricky William’s decision to stay his senior year “changed the face of Longhorn football far beyond his senior year.” William’s return opened avenues for Mack Brown to recruit many elite athletes successfully.”

 1998-1999 record 9-3 Coach Mack Brown Final ranking 15th nationally

IN 1998 Coach Mack Brown and his assistants coaching and recruiting skills got the Party started.

His first year Brown signed 6 of the top 20 off the Austin American-Statesman’s list.

Mack Brown’s success started his first season. Texas won its first bowl victory in 16 years against Mississippi State. This was the first Cotton Bowl Classic broadcast by Fox. This game was the first time Texas had reached the post-season since the 1996 season. 

 Bo Scaife is lost for the season with a tear to his anterior cruciate ligament. 

Major Applewhite is the starting redshirt ???? freshman quarterback. With Ricky returning offensive coordinator Greg Davis tells about Major Applewhite you don’t have to be spectacular, just drive the car.

The Horns won 5 of 9 games in the last 3 minutes of the game. 

Ricky Williams Wins The Heisman By The 4th Largest Margin Ever; Sets The Texas Season Record For Rushing Attempts (361); Most Yards In A Single Game (361) Against Iowa State; Most Yards For A Season (2124); Most Yards For A Career (6,279); most touchdowns in a game (6). Most 100-yard rushing games in a career (28)

Most points in a game (36) twice, most points in a season (168), most points in career (452).




Per Ricky Williams request the Cotton Bowl ring of 1999 had a tiny replica of the Heisman. Not to celebrate Ricky’s accomplishment but to recognize his teammates as the true Heisman winners.

As of 1998 Wayne set a school record catching 57 passes in a season.

Texas snapped the Cornhusker’s 47 game home winning streak.


1998 Wayne McGarity holds the Longhorn game record for most touchdowns receiving (4) against Texas Tech.


Kwame Cavil breaks the Big 12 conference single season for receptions with 100 and receiving yards 1, 188.     

Texas beats OU convincingly – Beats #6 A & M and breaks Nebraska’s 47 home game winning streak In 1998, it was not fashionable for Texas fans to wear the team colors to the games or tailgate. Coach Brown convinces the fans to wear burnt orange attire and “celebrate” game day by tailgating. Mack’s slogan “Come early, Be loud, Stay late” and more lenient rules on alcohol consumption change the “culture” of pre-game and post-game activities.  

Coach Browns first graduating class 1998.

Coach Browns first graduating class 1998.

 As great as the rushing game was in 1998, the passing game was better. 2931 yards through the air and 2,212 yards rushing.


Ricky sets the rushing record at “22:08” in video below. Ricky broke Tony Dorsett’s rushing record at the “22:08 mark in the video below. but Ricky also had two fumbles in the game that allowed the 6th ranked Aggies to grab a 24-23 lead. Kris Stockton had to save the game with a 24-yard field goal.

Ben Adams is an All American (no images.)


Kris  Stockton Holds The Season Record For Field Goal Attempts (30).





Texas beat Mississippi State in the Cotton Bowl on Jan 1, 1999, 38-11. 

1999-2000 Record 9-5. Coach Mack Brown is a master at Semantics- Mack says “we never have weaknesses. we have areas of concern.”

Brown landed USA Today’s offensive and defensive players of the year along with seven other USA Today All-Americas.   All total Texas signed four Parade Magazine All-Americans, and 11 of the top 20 players on the Austin American-Statesman’s list.

11.28.2002 | Football  

Tom Herman took a position in 1999 at U.T. as a graduate assistant under the mentorship of Greg Davis. During his tenure at Texas, Herman worked with the offensive line, which included All-American Leonard Davis.

Bill little says about the 1999 recruiting class, “Welcome to the neighborhood.”         

The national recruiting services ranked the Longhorns 1999 recruiting class as the best in the country. Mack was proud of the 1999 class and stated that these players laid the concrete foundation necessary for the Horns to move to the best football neighborhood. 

The Texas talent pool for varsity players was fragile in 1999, so many newcomers made the starting lineup. There would be victories and joy – the 1999 recruiting class won two Big 12 South Division Championships, and they played in four bowl games. 

However, they also would witness heartache, on and off the field. When they were only freshmen, they saw tragedy for the first time when the Texas A&M Bonfire fell in 1999, killing many young students. In spring 2001, it would come even closer to home, when a teammate died in a car accident on his way back to school from home……. For some, it would be the first funeral they ever attended.  

#18 Texas hands #3 Nebraska their only loss for the season 24 to 20. 

Texas’ defense pressured Nebraska quarterback Eric Crouch into three consecutive incomplete passes on the final drive, and the Longhorns secured their first victory over a Top Five-ranked opponent in Austin since 1990.

It was the 3rd consecutive victory over Nebraska. 

Applewhite states, “Football’s so important in Texas. On the West Coast, it’s (Football) a social, On the East Coast, it’s a culture. Here, it’s a religion.”

Final ranking 21st nationally

Major Applewhite Is 1999 CO Offensive Player Of The Year in the  Big 12. He also holds The Texas Season Record For Fastest Longhorn To Reach 2000 Yards (7 Games); Consecutive Passes Without An Interception (156); Longest Touchdown Pass (97 Yards To Wayne McGarity); Most Consecutive 200 Yard Passing Games In A Season (11) And In A Career (21).

Victor Ike is tied with Eric Metcalf for longest reception (80 yards)

The track at Memorial Stadium is removed. 

Dusty Renfro says, “Total domination. It’s the only way to go.”

Roger Roesler is an All-American (no image).

1999 Cory Redding is Defensive Freshman of the year Big 12

Cory Redding says, “ Leadership is what you do when nobody is watching.” He also says, “being a leader is just being you, not trying to be someone else.”

 Aaron Humphrey leads the team in quarterback pressures all four years.

Applewhite blows out his left knee in a 27-6 Cotton Bowl loss to Arkansas.   By 1999, the major bowl games were offering each team 1.5 million dollars or more.

The 1999 CCG was part of the sour ending to an otherwise great season. On the heels of losing Ricky and then coming out flat on special teams against NC State, we rebounded well and made our way from unranked to top-ten. The NU game at home was one of the loudest I've been to.
Then there was the Bonfire disaster, the Ramada not feeding us, Major with the stomach bug, the "Appleturnover" game in San Antonio, finished up by Kwame and Hump getting busted for weed the morning of the Cotton Bowl. Ugh.  Horns 11

2000-2001 9-3 Coach, Mack Brown’s Honeymoon, is over OU 63-14

2000 represents the 3rd year in a row the Horns won nine or more games. This is the first time since Coach Akers’s teams from 1981-1983 accomplished this goal. The 2000 recruiting class included 4 Parade All-Americans and 6 USA Today All-Americans.

The best five years (2000-2005) in the history of longhorn Sports begins. During this period, Men’s and Women’s basketball teams reached the final four, the baseball team won two national championships, and Texas football won a national championship.  

This year pits Applewhite, the Rocket scientist, against Simms, the flame thrower. The player consensus is that Major is the thinker, and Chris is the athlete.

Applewhite’s knee is at 100%, but Simms gets his first start as a Longhorn. Chris throws an interception that is returned for a touchdown. After that play, Coach Brown pulls Chris. Over the next three games, Coach Brown splits playing time for both quarterbacks. However, after the OU game, Simms is officially demoted. Four weeks later, Applewhite sprains his right knee against Texas Tech, and Simm’s exile ends. 

Chris struggles against Kansas the next week again, throwing another interception that is returned for a touchdown. 

With Applewhite on crutches on the sideline, Chris finally settles down and begins to win. 

The problem with trying to be perfect- please see Chris Simms in the 2000 T-Ring reflection section. 

There is a quarterback controversy, and the conflict dominates the headlines and splits the Longhorn fan base.

Coach Brown says, “Having two great quarterbacks is not a problem, … It’s a good situation, and I’ve been there. Everybody talks about, ‘Which one is going to play?’ But the truth is, both of them are really good and can win.” 


B.J. says “Lefty threw the football hard as hell and was 6’5”, and then there was the short guy that was a righty that threw you a nice little loaf of bread and very easy to catch. B.J. continues, some of the players were like, “ I know if Major gets in and Coach Davis calls the play, and Major doesn’t like it.” Major would say, “We’re not going to run that. This is what we’re going to run.”

On the other hand, “Simms was going to run it (Davis’s play) because that’s just what he does – stick to the script, and there was nothing wrong with that. But with Major, it’s just like, ‘No, I’m trying to win this damn game. That’s not what we’re doing.”

Quotes are from the book “The Road to Success” by Mike Roach.

Final ranking 12th nationally

 The 2000 team and the 1942 team hold the Texas season record for most forced punts (96) 

 Hodges Mitchell sets the single-game record for most rushing attempts (45) against Texas Tech and most all-purpose yards (375) against Kansas.

Mack says one of his saddest moments in coaching occurred when Hodges suffered a career-ending knee injury in the Holiday Bowl. Mack said “ While team members contributed skill, brawn, and brains of the team. Hodges was always the heart.”

Leonard Davis is a consensus-first-team All-American, a finalist for the Outland Trophy, and a semifinalist for the Lombardi Trophy.

Roy Williams is the 2000 offensive Freshman of the Year for Big 12

Longhorns lose 35-30 Holiday Bowl to Oregon. B.J. Johnson says “that he and Roy Williams “go stink it up in the bowl game and dropped some balls against Oregon that could have won the game.”

Big Changes on defense this year

The spread offenses in the Big 12 forced UT to recruit speed. Mack says “It’s not a game for slow guys anymore.” Cornerbacks moved to safety, safeties to linebacker, linebackers to defensive end and ends to tackles.

Casey Hampton

Casey Hampton- Defensive player of the year for Big 12 in 2000

Casey was the first defensive tackle to lead the team in tackles two years in a row. 

Below is a quote from Bill Little’s article called the “Quiet Man” written in 2013 about Mack Brown and Casey Hampton

It is a familiar story that Mack Brown often uses; he was so frustrated with his team after a loss to Oklahoma that he told Royal, “Coach, my team quit.”

“No,” Darrell said, almost echoing the words of Arnold so many years before. “Teams don’t quit. Some players may have given up, and it may look like that. But some of your guys may have gone out and played the best games of their careers.”

Mack tells that story to laud all-American and all-Pro Casey Hampton, who did precisely what Royal described in the game.

The Texas Longhorns lost the 2000 Culligan Holiday Bowl game to the Ducks from the Pac 10. The 27-22 defeat had ended UT’s season at 9-3.

The Recruiting of Rod Babers.

Rod grew up a fan of Florida State, but he eventually decided that he wanted to play in the state of Texas so his family could attend the games. Where to attend college became clearer for Rod when he participated in the Texas Relays at the high school level he loved the U.T. campus and the city of Austin. In addition, Rod says one of the key influences on his decision to sign with Texas was Heisman trophy winner Ricky Williams and Mack Brown, who brought family values back to the team instead of playing football as a science as coached by analytically minded Coach Mackovic. While Mackovic’s science football classes brought some highs to the program, science brought many more lows to Longhorn football.

I don’t think it is a coincidence that the 1967 recruiting class that more or less eliminated intimidating hazing at Texas and Babers 1999-2003 class, which focused more on mentoring teammates instead of intimidating them, are responsible for the 1969, 1970, and 2005 national championships. Rod Babers says, “They wanted to show us how we should treat the young guys coming in after us.” Mack cultivated this mentorship program.

Rod signed with Texas and roomed with Chris Simms.

Rod has extraordinary memories of many friends, including Chris Simms, Bo Scaife, Montrell Flowers, and Kyle Shanahan. Rod says one of the key influences on his decision to sign with Texas was Heisman trophy winner Ricky Williams and Mack Brown, who brought family values to the team instead of the science of football, which depended on analytics to win games. Mackovic was not a people person per se, and his science brought some highs but many lows to Texas football.

I don’t think it is a coincidence that the 1967 recruiting class, which more or less eliminated intimidating hazing at Texas, and Babers’ class, which focused more on mentoring teammates instead of intimidating them, are a primary reason that the 1998-2000 class built the foundation for the 2005 national championship. Rod Babers says, “They wanted to show us how we should treat the young guys coming in after us.” Mack cultivated mentorship by promoting the “team family.”

Bill Little says:

“In that locker room, tucked in the tunnels of Qualcomm Stadium on a chilly night in San Diego, the Longhorns saw their growth potential and made a promise to win games in 2001.

And that, as the old song says, turned out to be “the start of something big.”

2001-2002  11-2 Coach Mack Brown’s team finished 5th in the country, its first top-10 season in 18 years.

Bad decisions and bad luck in the Big 12 Championship game cost the Horns a chance at winning the National Championship.

The 2001 recruiting class included Cedric Benson, Jonathan Scott, Michael Huff, and Derrick Johnson.

Aggies had won 15 of 18 games against Texas at Kyle Field. Chris Simms is instrumental in changing that trend. 

Chris Simms set a school record with 10 consecutive completions, and he ended the day 21 of 26 for 224 yards.

The team had the top pass efficiency in the country.

All the Horns had to do was beat Colorado, a team they beat earlier in the year 40-7 in the Big 12 championship game. Coach Brown told the group that since #2, Florida had lost a spot open for the national championship game. Texas lost 39-37. Cedric Benson and Mike Williams suffered a season-ending injury after a freak play where they hit each other trying to tackle a Colorado player. Texas played Washington in the Holiday Bowl, and Major Applewhitewass was the starter. Major engineered the biggest comeback ever in Texas football history as of the 2001 season. Major Applewhite sets the Holiday Bowl record against Washington, and Derrick Johnson is the defensive MVP. 

Browne named Applewhite the starter for the Holiday Bowl. The Horns beat the Washington Huskies, their first win in an out-of-state bowl game since 1965. This team deserved better. It was an unsatisfying end to an incredible 11-win season.

2001 Quentin Jammer


Final ranking 5th nationally

The 2001 and 2002 teams hold the Texas record for fewest fumbles in a season (5). 


Dusty Mangum Starts Toward His Record Of 121 Consecutive Extra Points That Ends In 2003.

Dusty Manum Holds The Longhorn Career Record By A Place Kicker For Points Scored (358)



Semi-finalist for the Thorpe award, Nathan Vasher Holds The Longhorn Record For Most Punts Returned (8), Most Return Yards In A Game (173), Most Return Yards In A Season (554), Most Return Yards In A Career (1,314), and Tied the record for Most Interception in a career (17). A record as of 2002 -Nathan sets a school season record for pass break-ups (26) and a career of 64.


Nathan says, “Defensive backs need to have a short memory” and be able to bounce back quickly after a mistake.

Applewhite sets 40 school passing records. One is for 473 passing yards in a game.

Kyle Shanahan, the son of Denver Bronco’s head coach Mike Shanahan, transfers from Duke to Texas.

The band exiting thru the tunnel at the OU game in the Cotton Bowl is finally eliminated because the noise level for interviews was intolerable.

Texas dedicates the North Carolina game to Cole Pittman, who had recently died in a car accident. Cole’s jersey number is 44, and Texas wins 44-14 

The two quarterbacks set all kinds of passing records. The fans thought of Horn football as “basketball on grass.”

Shaun Rogers 2 time all all Big 12 and a second round draft pick playing 13 years in the NFL.

 For the first time in 20 years, the Longhorns are in the top 10 @ #5.

Roy Williams set a bowl record with 11 catches in the Holiday Bowl. It was their first 11-game winning season in 18 years.

2002- 2003- 11-2 “TAKE DALLAS BACK” Coach Mack Brown – 6th Nationally

The 2002 recruiting class played a significant factor in the 2005 National Championship. In Geoff Ketchum’s Book The Die Hard Fan’s Guide to Longhorn Football, he states that the 2002 recruiting class had six 5-star high school recruits, 13 Longhorn starters, 10 All-Big 12 selections, 5 All Americans, two major award winners, and 9 NFL players. After 2002, it took UT a total of 5 years to attract six more 5-star high school athletes.  

Texas takes “Dallas back” after losing five straight Cotton Bowls by beating LSU. 

Roy Williams and quarterback Chris Simms represented a wealth of talent for the Horns, who beat LSU in the Cotton Bowl. 35-20.  

However, many fans were unhappy with Mack losing to OU all the time, saying Mack Brown was more gifted at recruiting than coaching. A great guy but not a great coach. Fans were concerned Mack Brown might become the Minnesota Vikings of college football- a perpetual also-ran. Mack was recruiting good kids. No thugs. No outlaws. But the fans didn’t hire him to be a sweetheart. He was hired to bring some hardware home.

Against O.U Roy Williams, B.J. Johnson, Sloan Thomas made zero touchdowns against O.U. Cedric Benson made one touchdown, but he never rushed more than 100 yards in a single game. Chris Simms had 8 interceptions and zero touchdowns against O.U.

Offensive coordinator Greg Davis got most of the blame for the losses. The fans said Coach Davis shrank like cheap Cotton against O.U.

DKR understood Mack’s quandary telling Coach Brown, “you have to enjoy the wins and handle the losses.” Brown agreed, “If you’re relieved after wins and devastated after losses, then you never, ever have a good day.” 

Mack Brown always took the high road to win. His commitment when he took the coaching job at Texas was to win with great players who are good students. Mack Brown did not want to win like the great Miami teams in the 1990s with thugs, which a Texas fan calls them in the book Echoes of Texas Football.  

Coach Brown was a moral man in the violent, corrupt world of big-time college sports. “He has an open heart and embraces his coaches and players, says one Longhorn fan. “The players desire to please him.” 




Roy Williams Holds The Longhorn Career Record For Most yards receiving (3,866), Consecutive Games With A Reception (47), Most 100 100-yard games In A Career (16), and most touchdown catches in a career (36). 

   B.J. Johnson says “Roy Williams is one of the more unique character in Texas football history. A freak athlete at the wide receiver position who stood 6;3” and weighed 215 pounds. Williams was a unicorn as an athlete with the size of a linebacker and 10.3-second speed.

Texas wins 11 games and beats Nebraska again to snap the Husker’s 26-home winning streak.  Nathan Vasher has a game-winning interception to end Nebraska’s comeback.

Rod Wright’s cousin was Cedric Woodard. If not for the relationship the Madd Dog had with Rod Wright, he probably would not have been a Longhorn. Rod was recruited by defensive end Kalen Thornton, Marcus Tubbs, and Cory Redding.


Rodrique Wright is 2002 freshman defensive player of the year Big 12



Derrick Dockery – two time All American

Ivan Williams says ” I could’ve juked him (Husker defender) but I just hadn’t had the chance to run over anybody in a long time.”

When Rufus Harris is asked by a reporter his position on the team he says DESTRUCTIVE BACK”.


2003-2004- 10-3 RECORD – COACH MACK BROWN suffers more scrutiny from the fans after a loss to Washington State in the holiday Bowl


With all the accolades surrounding Vince years at Texas, fans have forgotten that 2003 was a challenging year for him. The 25 year Longhorn scoring streak ended this year when OU beat the Vince Young lead Longhorns 12-0. In the Missouri game, Vince hurt his sternum and exited the game with 19 yards passing, three completions, and two interceptions in 9 attempts. Chance Mock won that game 28-20. The strong-armed Chance Mock had to relieve Vince 3 times in 9 games. After Chance relieved Vince in a losing cause in the Holiday Bowl against Washington State, the fans begin to whisper. Vince throwing motion is sub-par and hurting the passing game. Chance Mock was a better passer. 

Texas modifies the offense adding a zone read, bootleg, quarterback draw, and plays where Vince is a running back in the quarterback position. 

Chance Mock Enters Texas Football History With A Touchdown Pass To B.J. Johnson With Only 46 Seconds Remaining To Beat Texas Tech. He Holds The Longhorn Season Record For Fewest Pass Interceptions (2).

 Only the greatness of Vince Young keeps Chance Mock from setting many records as a quarterback at Texas. Young will prove to be the most dynamic quarterback since Michael Vick. Mack says with Young “plays are never dead, games are never over.”

Roy Williams returns for his senior year because “I wasn’t the best receiver in the nation last year; [Michigan State’s] Charles Rogers was,” said Williams. “I gotta make it right.” Roy commits to making himself better. Chance Mock says, “His method is to make things as hard for himself as possible” at practice to prepare for game day. 

 Mack Brown also told the fans to expect more running and play action in 2003 with more zone coverage from the talented secondary. 

Final ranking 12th nationally

Derrick Johnson says of himself ” I’m like a heat-seeking missile, and the ball carrier is the target.”


Derrick Johnson Holds The Longhorn Career Record For Most Interceptions, Most Tackles For A Loss (65), and Most Forced Fumbles In A Season (9). He was the Two time consensus first-team All-American and won the Nagurski and Butkus awards.




D.D. Lewis Holds The Longhorn Career Record For Forced Fumble Recoveries (10).




2003 Dakarai Pearson.jpg

Dakari Pearson Holds the Record for Longest Touchdown After a Fumble (77 yards)


 Larry Dibbles says, ” I like to dominate, and frankly, looking at me is a scary sight.”

OU assistant coaches tell Arkansas assistant coaches to be very physical, and the Longhorns will give up. Arkansas beats Texas 38-28.  

Phillip Geiggar saves the win against Kansas State by forcing a fumble on QB Eli Roberson. Vince Young (2nd team) was given the call and led the team 88 yards for the game-winning drive. 



Selvin Young sets a Record By Returning A Punt 39 yards and a Kick-Off 97 yards for touchdowns in the same game.

Aaron Ross is the winner of the Thorpe Award for best defensive back and is inducted into the Hall of Honor in 2016.


OU’s loss to Kansas State in the Big 12 championship game cost Texas a BCS bid.

Vince Young and Cedric Benson each ran for 150 yards or more against Nebraska.  No other tandem in UT history has accomplished that feat in a game.

Two Horns have recorded three consecutive 1000-yard rushing seasons- Cedric Benson and Chris Gilbert.

Ricky Williams is the only Longhorn running back to accomplish the feat four times.                              


Mack prepared his players for the moment when the cheering stops. Mack Brown is a part counselor and part taskmaster. His message “You can be as good as you choose to be. You have enough talent to win all the games. It is how you play that will determine how far you will go.”

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