Brand builders – Joe Reneau, Frank Denius, and Dick Watt; Health Watch

Top of the Que 02/26/2020 Volume V Newsletter #6

A former Longhorn volleyball player has joined the TLSN Board of Directors. Her story will be shared in Newsletter #7 scheduled for publication on March 13, 2020.

Welcome to the Texas Legacy sports historical website and newsletter. Both mediums chronicle the history of UT Sports, UT traditions, UT legacies, UT culture, individual records, photos, insightful comments, and personal commentary from those who created Longhorn sports history. HTTPS://TEXASLSN.ORG The site is free, educational, insightful, and historical.

Doctor Joe Reneau and Family

In the Navigation tool at the top of the TLSN Website is a section titled “Health Watch.” There are presently seven former student-athletes on the watch list- Bill Elliot (track), Freddie Allen Edwards (football), Tyres Dickson (football), Doctor Joe Reneau ( team physician), Jim Hilliard (football) Jack Freeman (football), and Thomas Collins ( football) 

Please email information on any former Longhorn student-athlete, trainer, manager, or coach who has health issues. Privacy is the primary goal of TLSN, so nothing will be published without the family’s approval. 

By accessing Thomas Collins link at @ you can also visit other pages in the health watch section. Thomas Collins has an interesting story to share about his days as a Longhorn.

Thomas Collins – The Bouncer

At a post-game press conference when Darrell Royal was coaching the Longhorn football team, a sportswriter asked him about the importance of a particular player who had been injured. “How much will your team miss him?” the writer asked. Darrell Royal paused for a moment, and then he said this: “How long is a piece of rope?” The point was, some things are immeasurable. Bill Little says the quote came to mind when he learned of the death of Frank Denius. How much did Frank mean to all of us? “How long is a piece of rope?” To read more about Frank, click on the link below.

Many/most of you already know that Dick Watt – football recruiting class 1965- has passed away. Truly a kind, generous, successful, and proud Longhorn. His story is at

TLSN is an independent organization celebrating Longhorn Sports History and assisting qualifying Horns who need temporary financial assistance. TLSN is not associated with the UT Athletics Department or any organization closely aligned with UT.


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