2017-2018- Newsletters

2015-2018 newsletters are a little primitive because there was no software available on SquareSpace to deliver emails in a professional manner.

Top of the Que 10/29/2018

For those of you new to the TLSN website, I have published a Longhorn newsletter every other week for the last three years. For convenience when you click on https://texaslsn.org you will automatically go to the Que to preview the subjects covered by the newsletter. Subjects in the Que change every 7 days so there is always something new to discover on the TLSN site.  

  • In the Que is a list of Longhorn sports pioneers. The list was selected based on the definition established on the TLSN site. The list is still a work in process.   

  • The Texas Legacy Support Network Mission statement has been updated.   

  •  A compilation of sports magazines with Longhorns on the cover is in the Que.   

  •  Longhorn History needs to be retold are it will be forgotten and there is no better vista for storytelling than through the eyes of someone who lived during a special moment in Longhorn history. I am always looking for insightful content to capture for Longhorn posterity. Stories build bridges to the past that remind all Longhorns heritage shapes the present and inspires the future.  

  •  If you want to share a Longhorn sports-related story or a photo I am at Billydale1@gmail.com . 

  •   TLSN does not endorse other tax-exempts, but the organization does celebrate the great hearts of former Longhorn student-athletes. Some who are now deceased. Coach Royal had a sign in the locker room in the ’60s that said 





 In the queue is the information of some great former Longhorns who understood Royal’s message. Please give a “Horns UP” to the compassionate unselfish Longhorns Brian Robison, Tommy Nobis (deceased), Cole Pittman (deceased), Johnnie Johnson, Tina Bonci (deceased), Sam and Emmanuel Acho, and Charlie Cravens. 



Billy, I have been negligent in writing you. When I received this message today, it prompted me to get my butt in gear. 

Julius was one of a handful of Longhorns I met in August of 1969 when we reported as freshmen. He, Steve Valek and I were particularly friendly as freshmen and sophomores and I admired Julius then and continued to hold him in high regard for his academic and professional accomplishments. 

He and I roomed together on the only overnight road trip of the freshman season in Fort Worth. That occurred when Coach Ellington learned that Junior Blewitt was sick and unable to travel. He learned this from Spanky as we were getting everyone on the bus.  Coach Ellington sarcastically replied to Spanky something to the effect of “well, that’s great. Now who rooms with Whitter?”. I was helping check off the names as they boarded the bus and quickly replied that I would. They had all three freshman managers in one room. If I roomed with Julius, I would have a bed to myself.  I might have arrived from McGregor  two months earlier but I didn’t arrive on a turnup truck.   

You and Julius spent much more time together in Jester and I know your friendship was long and significant. I’m sorry for our loss.

 David Anderson

Steve, 10/02/2018 done

I would like to share your story in the testimonial area for Julius.  Please edit if you so choose or decline the request.  I am ok either way.   If you want your comment on the site for posterity, could I get a jpeg picture of you in your college football days? Billy

Kirk, 10/02/2018 done

 At this time I cannot share anymore about Julius then has been approved on the TLSN website.    Sorry 

By the way Mark McDonald says hello.  He is writing a new Longhorn sports coffee table  book that will be published the end of this year.    

Take Care,  

Billy Dale


From: Bohls, Kirk <kbohls@statesman.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2018 10:50 AM
To: William Dale <billydale1@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: TOQ- Raul Allegre, Rick McIvor, Denise Christensen, Kenneth Sims, Jim Wacker, Rodney Tate, Julius Whittier, Ragan Gennusa, Greg Ploetz, CTE, Billy Dale  

Got any Julius memories for me?

Top of the Que for October 2,  2018 Volume III newsletter 20: done

·         Julius Whittier, my roommate, passed away last week.  Many sports writers called me asking  for a quotes, and I accommodated their request.   The media covers many of the key points of Julius life,  but I have the “rest of the story.”   It is in the Que. 

·         Like Greg Ploetz, Julius brain has been sent to a Boston hospital that diagnosis CTE.  In the Que is some information on CTE.

·         There is an insightful article in the Cactus article written in the late 1980’s that deals with sports and pain.  

·         Ragan Gennusa knows a lot about playing with pain and his article is now the 2nd most popular on the TLSN website.  If you did not read his article the first time, please read his story and his T-Ring Reflection.

Blessings to All,

Top of the Que for September 02, 2018 Volume III newsletter 18: done

·         The  Navigation page on the website has been reconfigured to  include “Insight” stories about former Longhorn student athletes.  Click on “insight” at the top of the screen on the website and a drop-down menu will appear with all the insight articles separated by sport.   This section will always be a work in process as more great stories are added.  Accomplishments of these athletes are a reminder to all Longhorns that in sports and far beyond, their contributions to Longhorn heritage shape the present and empower the future.

·         In the Que are three insight collections – track, swimming, and volleyball.  If you have an interesting “insight” story about a teammate or yourself, please forward to me, and I will add to the appropriate sports section.     

·         Before Bevo, the UT mascot was Pig (the dog), Runt, Stubby and others.  In the que is the history and struggle to find the right Mascot to represent the University of Texas.  You will be surprised- not by the outcome because we all not that- but by the process to select a Longhorn named Bevo.

Top of the Que for August 5th, 2018 Volume III newsletter 16 : done

The site is https://texaslsn.org

• A section titled “Lost Too Soon” is listed at the top right of the website’s Navigation page. The section remembers Longhorn student-athletes who passed away between the ages of 17 and 24. With the help of former Longhorn basketball Coach Leon Black, TLSN is now able to pay tribute to a great player who lost too soon. Ralph Elliott’s story is in the queue.

• There is a new original article on the site called “Overachieving- The Good, Bad, and the Ugly.

• Emory Bellard’s web page has been totally updated. Ed Simonini, an Aggie great who played for Emory Bellard, has shared some special memories about Coach Bellard.

• Most of you know that Frank Denius recently passed away. Authors and sports writers from all over the country shared Frank’s legacy. What many of the authors did not mention is that Denius wrote an insightful autobiography titled “ On the Way.” The information on how to purchase Denius’s book is in the Que. Billy Dale—proud member of the 1967 Longhorn football recruiting class.

Top of the Que for July  23rd  2018 Volume III newsletter 15 : done

·         Terry (teapot) Collins has begun radiation and Chemo treatment.  We will keep you posted.

·         Writer, academic, journalist, champion lifter, coach, sport promoter, founder of the H.J. Lutcher Stark Center for Physical Culture and Sports at the University of Texas at Austin, and Director of the Arnold Strongman Classic passed away on Saturday, July 7, 2018.  His fascinating life story is in the que.

·         Barbara Wainscott has a new article titled “Student of the Game” in the que.

·         Rick Brimer has been added to the TLSN staff to help build the TLSN fan base.  He offers his service at no charge.  It will take at least a  a year before the site is up to speed.

·         The “giving back” section of TLSN has been updated.

·         A Blog has been added to the navigation site.

Blessing to All,

Billy Dale – proud member of the 1967 Longhorn football recruiting class 

Top of the Que for July  9th 2018 Volume III newsletter 14 :

·         At some point  the TLSN historical site will be the primary encyclopedic source for information related to all Longhorn Sports. To accomplish this goal has required  three years of research capturing important moments in UT sports history.  Recently I have spent time at the Dolph Briscoe Center for American History perusing the “Cactus” sports section editions from 1899- 1967 and updating the TLSN site with more photos and content from those years.  Please enjoy all the new historical updates.  The site is free.

·         TLSN is a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt whose primary purpose is to offer temporary financial assist to qualifying former Longhorn players, trainers, managers, coaches and their immediate families. In January of 2018 Jackie Campbell- a 1980’s Longhorn volleyball player- son (Yanaq) was diagnosed with Leukemia. She reached out to TLSN  for some temporary financial assistance and TLSN  responded.     I am proud to say that former Longhorns athletes and former support staff personnel donated $15,000 to the TLSN general fund and  $13,000 of the $15,000 has been allocated to Jackie’s family .  The grant has paid Jackie’s  mortgage, utilities, telephone, and groceries since January 2018.  As of July 8th 2018 I can say with a joyful heart that Yanaq’s blood counts are returning, he is free of infection, and his calorie intake is improving.   Soon Yanaq will be going home. Thanks to all the donors that helped this beautiful family recover from adversity. While Jackie may not be a teammate or played during your era,  her spirit resides in the history of UT sports.   If it was possible to  open a portal to the Longhorn past,  Jackie Campbell would be  there enhancing  UT sports heritage, shaping the present, and empowering  the future of our great UniversityOn behalf of the three TLSN board members- Benny Pace, Jim Kay, and Billy Dale- please support the TLSN mission by sending a $50 donation so that TLSN is prepared  to help the next qualifying individual.

·         At the top of the TLSN site there is a new section called the “Bridge Builders”. A salute to the “donor” class, the Athletic Directors, visionaries, and administrators.  This section is not complete.  

Top of the Que for June 24th 2018 Volume III newsletter 13 includes:

• Terry Collins has a cancerous tumor in his neck. On July 5 he will start radiation treatment for 6 weeks 5 days a week. Terry Collins was the 1967 football Teapot.

• NCAA settles CTE lawsuit filed by Debra Ploetz for Greg Ploetz Jun 15, 2018 – 7:05 PM; Updated: DALLAS (AP) – The NCAA settled a lawsuit Friday with the family of a former University of Texas football player that accused the organization of being responsible for his brain injuries and death decades after his playing career. Greg’s story continues to be in the que.

• UT settled a law suit with Coach Beverly Kearney. In the history of UT sports Beverly is one of the Longhorn most successful coaches of all time. She ranks third in number of Longhorn national championships with a total of 6. A list of all National championships by each coach is listed in Beverley’s que.

• Betty Thompson never got the title, but she was the first Longhorn women’s athletic director. Her store is compelling. She fought the first battles to give Longhorn women equal footing with men in sports long before Donna Lopiano was hired. I found a few great historical letters written by her in the Dolph Briscoe American History building.

The site is https://texaslsn.org Billy Dale – Proud member of 1967 football recruiting class.

Top of the Que for June 11th 2018 Volume III  newsletter 12 includes: done

·         In the San Antonio Express there is an article that discuss’ Greg Ploetz  lawsuit against the NCAA  and Julius Whittier’s pending lawsuit.  Greg Ploetz passed away 3 years ago from stage 4 CTE.  Greg’s lawsuit against the NCAA will be the first CTE  related trial in the country.   In the Que are all the details of the article and two other articles about the lives of Greg and Julius; and

·         With Ed Berry’s assistance there is now a fan site with numerous videos of all UT Sports from all eras.  In the que for this newsletter are about a 100 football videos listed chronologically.  Enjoy viewing!!

Top of the Que for May 29th 2018 Volume III and newsletter 11

remembers a few Longhorns who were “Lost too Soon”, others who continue to recover from health issues, and those who have suffered a long term injury. Jackie Campbell is a former Longhorn volleyball player whose son recently had transplant surgery for Leukemia. Jackie is the first applicant for assistant under the TLSN’s 501 ( C ) (3) mission statement. The TLSN mission offers qualifying temporary financial support to former student athletes, former managers, trainers, coaches, and their immediate families.

May 7th 2018

It is now time for my wife and I to do another bucket list adventure while we have our health.  Which means the next newsletter will not be written until early June 2018.    Please refrain from clapping with joy for this reprieve from my writings????.

That said – At the Top of the Que for May 7th , 2018  Volume III newsletter 10  there are two Horns we need to hold up in the light of our spirit , an original  article written by Mark Walters on strength and conditioning, a special story told by  Brett Morris about his teammate  Ken Ferguson, and insightful comments from some of the football players from the era of the 2000’s.  Below is the content found in the Que:

  • Dr. Jim Hilliard has been diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease.) Information about his status is explained by his wife, Tamara, in the que. 

  • Update on  Jackie Campbell ( 1980’s Volleyball award winner)  and her son’s battle with Leukemia;

  • Mark Walters writes an enlightening historical and futuristic story  for the TLSN articles archives about the evolution of the  Longhorn conditioning and weight lifting  programs. Mark worked for 3 years under Augie Garrido, and as member of the American College of Sports Medicine and the National Strength and Conditioning Association, contributed to the innovative team of coaches that led to the success that Longhorn student athletes had both on and off of the field.;

  • A special story of a life bond and special friendship between Brett Morris and Ken Ferguson; and  

  • Articles or videos by professional organizations about Kasey Studdard, Jamaal Charles, Selvin Young, Mike Huff, and Colt McCoy,

At the Top of the Que for April 24th, 2018  Volume III newsletter 9

The story of Royal as a bridge builder offers an in depth look at the origin of Royalism.

  • Donna Lopiano’s Bio is in the Que.  The article deals with all the obstacles she had to overcome to build a successful women’s program at Texas.

  • Finally – There is a new article titled “When Water was for Sissies”.  It deals with the belief by coaches in the 50’s and 60’s that drinking water was not an option during practice and the affect that Texas Longhorn Reggie Grob’s death had on changing this assumption.

  • Johnny “Sky” Walker is doing well, and he has ask me to send his personal letter of gratitude to all who have supported him. 

Billy, 4//23/2018 

                I really enjoyed your article, and as we approach the summer months, the importance of keeping well hydrated has not always been in the forethought of our coaches in years past. The mid-60s was in an interesting time in sports science, where you had your traditional old school coaches like Royal, Bear Bryant, and Woody Hayes who kept with the tried and true coaching philosophy of no pain, no gain; going against advances in sports-science. The coaching models of the time often butted heads with sport-scientists who wanted to introduce medical based training models with the old guard but were often rebutted.  

                Where hydration is concerned, one of the forefathers is Robert Cade, a San Antonio native, and UT grad and medical school grad. Cade went on to become a professor at the University of Florida, and after doing research about dehydration with members of the Florida football team, he became a founding inventor of a product called Gatorade.  

                UT does a great deal of research in the field of sports-science. Where Gatorade is a high carbohydrate drink, Dr. Lisa Ferguson-Stegall at UT recently published a paper on a low-carb beverage with added protein that increases endurance times in cyclists. Dr. John Ivy, one of the nations top researchers has pioneered our understanding of muscle metabolism and how nutritional supplementation can improve exercise performance, recovery and training adaptation.  Where at one time there may have been a divisive line between coaches and those outside the direct control of the program, today there is a co-joined relationship that feeds off one another to make sure that the best product is put on the field every Saturday in the fall.  

                It is the Native American belief that all things come from water, and that water itself is life. This is supported by biblical scripture of God’s creation of the world, that states “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.”  

                Back to your article, I like it as is. Unfortunately, it took tragedy in the past to bring us to the understanding for the need for water, and water has now advanced to better science backed hydration tools.  If you would ever like to go up to the UT Human Performance Lab and see what they do in the name of exercise science, let me know.  We can take a field trip.



 Could you read my most recent article and offer positive criticism of how to make this article better? I plan on using this article in my newsletter on the 24th.    I have placed the article at the top of the que.



At the Top of the Que for April 9th, 2018

·         Augie Garrido’s site on the TLSN website has been updated again.  Augie’s book “Life is Yours to Win” is full of insightful comments and inspirational messages.  There are three stories in Augie’s book about former Longhorn baseball players.   They are Chance Wheeless and David Moroul from the 2005 Longhorn national championship team, and Chance Ruffin from the Longhorn   2010 team. These student athletes  are part of Longhorn baseball sports history whose contributions represent a portal to the past that remind Longhorn fans that heritage shapes the present and empowers the future.

·         Rodney Page received the “Celebration of Champions” honor during the Final Four in San Antonio. His Bio is worth reading and is in the Que.

·         Bios are needed to paint profiles.  My Bio has been on the TLSN site for years, but I have not drawn attention to it.  I think now is the right time to do so.   In 2004, I had an epiphany that changed my personal focus from “me” to “we”.  By 2014 I was prepared to give 100% of the 4th quarter of my life to my “calling”. The result is the creation of a free Longhorn historical website site and the formation of a 501 ( C ) (3)   tax exempt that offers  financial assistance to  qualifying former Longhorns.   TLSN’s first qualifying applicant to receive a grant is Jackie Campbell- a Longhorn volleyball player from the 80’s. Donors have stepped up and raised $14,000 to help Jackie Campbell pay for living expenses so she can spend less time working and more time loving her son and supporting his struggle with Leukemia. This is a story that is still in process.

Blessings to All,

Billy Dale proud member of the 1967 Longhorn football recruiting class.

Top of the Que Volume 3 Newsletter #7 March 24, 2018 

1.    There are reasons team members bond for a lifetime.  The article in the que attempts to explain this bond and   is based on a 1970 football recruiting class mini- reunion held in March 2018. 

2.      The history of Augie Garrido and his baseball teams have been updated with more updates to follow.  

3.      Longhorn championship rings from all sports is part of our history and needs to be captured for posterity.  Images of many rings are missing that need to be added to this collection. If your ring is not shown on the website, please snap a picture and send in Jpeg format to me with the year and what the ring honors i.e. Cotton Bowl 1977, Big 12 SWC champs in rowing 2015, and ………

4.      Updates on the history of Longhorn Women’s swimming.   

Not in the Que but as an update Jackie Campbell (Longhorn Volleyball Letter winner)  has received enough donations in our general fund to pay 90% of her family’s living expenses from January-June 2018. Her son is undergoing Chemo and a bone marrow transplant is planned at University of Michigan.  Please contribute to her cause if you can. There is a donate button on the site listed at the top of the website.  Any amount is welcome and appreciated. 

The status of Doctor Joe Reneau is not in the que.  For those of you who do not know him, he was the team doctor (all sports) from 1967 thru 1972.  He was also the Doctor on call when Whitman shot so many people from the U.T.  Tower on August 1, 1966.  Doctor Reneau is now 86 and struggling with his health.  Please email him at dena.reneau@gmail.com and share memories with him or just to say hello. 

Blessings to All,  

Billy Dale 


I don’t have Lonnie’s email so please forward this email to him.    The article about our fellowship last week is in the que.   I still need to tweak it some, but it is 90% complete.   https://texaslsn.org

The March 27th  newsletter will have Augie’s story  at the top of the que, with our  March 10th,  2018 outing second in the que.   Don’t hesitate to correct me, add a comment to the sight,  or request a deletion.   This is your story not mine. 

FYI – Dena Reneau , Doctor Reneau’s wife,  called me yesterday and said his health is failing.  I am going to write his story on the TLSN site to save for  posterity.  It is a fascinating story. He was the doctor on call the day of the Whitman shootings.  He also wrote a manuscript that was never published  about his years as our doctor.  Dena is going to send me his manuscript.  If any of you have anything special to say about him,  I am listening.

Billy Dale


Texas Legacy Support Network 


Building Bridges to the Past, Present, and Future



In the Que for this Newsletter please find:

1.    Charlie Tanner (football recruiting class 2005) married Chelsy Hutchison on  January 20, 2018. Some of my groomsmen were  letterman (Ryan Bailey, Henry Melton, Trevor Gerland and Daniel Orr).  Pictures to follow.

2.      The TLSN site has added   a fan section that will  eventually include the majority of videos of all Longhorn sports. The site will be named after Super fan   Ed Berry.   Ed is a collector of Longhorn videos and his  collection includes 1000’s of  videos that we hope to convert to a TLSN compatible  format over the next 18 months.  In the interim Ed’s site now  has many videos from all Longhorn sports available for viewing. The videos are presented in chronological order from 2014 thru the 1920’s. Since this site is so large, it will take longer to download from the internet.

3.      Blain Michael Padgett a Rice Owl football player has passed away. He is the son of Mical Padgett who was a linebacker for the Longhorns from 1987-1991. Please keep the Padgett family in your thoughts and prayers.  More information to follow.

4.      David Michael Keeton from the 1968 football recruiting class has passed away.

In the Que for this Newsletter please find: 2/05/2018

1.    A special tribute to the memory of Billy Graham as he says the prayer at the Game of the Century in 1969. The video is compliments of Syd Keasler.

2.      Thanks to all of you who have helped name “some” of the teapots. In the que is the Teapot update.  I want to capture all their names for a special place in “The History of the Longhorn sports”. This has been a fun project, and I hope I can piece this part of Longhorn football history together to honor all teapots. The story needs to be told.

3.      Information on the Swimming and Diving Hall of banquet is in the que.

4.      UPDATE on Jackie Campbell- As of 2/24/2018   TLSN has one former qualifying Longhorn athlete requesting financial help in the que. The donations raised from our general funds will support her for 4 months- January – April of 2018.

5.      For those of you who hesitate to make a donation to TLSN because you feel your gift will only be used to pay TLSN internal expenses, please be assured that is not the case.   Billy Dale is personally funding all the website expenses and internal cost with no request for reimbursement.  Jim Kay and Benny Pace have spent 100’s of billable legal hours helping TLSN, and paid for the legal bills charged by a 3rd party to form the 501(C )(3) with no request for reimbursement.  The TLSN site is not complicated or expensive to administer.  All the money raised to date will be used to support our peers in all Longhorn sports. The NCAA has approved our mission as long as UT maintains oversight on the distribution of funds to the TLSN qualifying recipient.

6.      Please  consider donating $20.00, $30.00, or $40,00.  No amount is too small. Please contribute by visiting the TLSN’s website and selecting the “donate” button. 

7.      For those who have asked me how our website is performing, here are the numbers.   Total clicks, total visits, and total page views for 2016 are 14, 969 and totals for 2017 are 39,491.  Our organization is growing.


In the Que for this Newsletter please find:

1.    A special tribute to the memory of Billy Graham as he says the prayer at the Game of the Century in 1969. The video is compliments of Syd Keasler.

2.      Thanks to all of you who have helped name “some” of the teapots. In the que is the Teapot update.  I want to capture all their names for a special place in “The History of the Longhorn sports”. This has been a fun project, and I hope I can piece this part of Longhorn football history together to honor all teapots. The story needs to be told.

3.      Information on the Swimming and Diving Hall of banquet is in the que.

4.      UPDATE on Jackie Campbell- As of 2/24/2018   TLSN has one former qualifying Longhorn athlete requesting financial help in the que. The donations raised from our general funds will support her for 4 months- January – April of 2018.

5.      For those of you who hesitate to make a donation to TLSN because you feel your gift will only be used to pay TLSN internal expenses, please be assured that is not the case.   Billy Dale is personally funding all the website expenses and internal cost with no request for reimbursement.  Jim Kay and Benny Pace have spent 100’s of billable legal hours helping TLSN, and paid for the legal bills charged by a 3rd party to form the 501(C )(3) with no request for reimbursement.  The TLSN site is not complicated or expensive to administer.  All the money raised to date will be used to support our peers in all Longhorn sports. The NCAA has approved our mission as long as UT maintains oversight on the distribution of funds to the TLSN qualifying recipient.

6.      Please  consider donating $20.00, $30.00, or $40,00.  No amount is too small. Please contribute by visiting the TLSN’s website and selecting the “donate” button. 

7.      For those who have asked me how our website is performing, here are the numbers.   Total clicks, total visits, and total page views for 2016 are 14, 969 and totals for 2017 are 39,491.  Our organization is growing.


Dear Mr. Dale,


I wondered if we might chat some time: I’m an Austin journalist working on a book for University of Texas Press about Earl Campbell. More broadly, the book is about how Texas was changing between about 1965 and 1985, especially in terms of football, race and politics. Given Earl’s trajectory, it’s set in Tyler,  Austin, and Houston, each of which has its own desegregation story during that period.

I’m sure there are a ton of things we could talk about — you’re clearly a historian of UT sports, as well as a former player; I think the Texas Legacy Support Network is a really admirable project — but I want to ask you especially about the decision to room with the great Julius Whittier.

Happy to tell you more about the project, of course. I grew up in New York City and have been down here in Texas now for 15 years, which is to say that I’m still a foreigner in these parts!

I can be reached by email or on my cell: 512-417-8200.

Thanks so much.

All best,



In the Que for this newsletter please find: 

·         The Obit and sports history of Todd Johnson. A Longhorn baseball player in the mid 1980’s who has a place in UT baseball history. He passed away in a car accident on January 11th, 2018;

·         The request for donations for Jackie Campbell Quispe;

·         An article written by Barbara Wainscott. Former Longhorn student athletes share an bond that originates from common experiences- victories, losses, workouts, fellowship, sorrow, pain, and joy. Years after the glory days in sports are ended that bond last. Barbara tells this story of a life time bond in THE NETWORK;

·         I am trying to reconstruct the tradition of the “Teapot” for posterity.  I think the tradition began in 1958 with David Russell from Amarillo.  I am told by two reliable sources who have shared conflicting origins of how the tradition started. One of his teammates says he thought the Teapot name came from how David sounded when he ran, and the other teammate thought it was because he was “short and stout”.  Regardless, this will be a fun project for posterity to remember.  There are at least 15 Teapots. I only know two – David Russell 1958 and Terry Collins in 1967.  Can anyone assist me on the names of the other teapots or stories to tell?  I want to capture all their names for a special place in the “History of the Longhorn Teapots”.  Below is Teapot Terry Collins 1967 at a reunion in 2009. He is a teapot short and stout .  Here is my handle and here is my spout.

At the Top of the Que for January 3rd, 2018  are four  articles written exclusively for TLSN

In 2015 TLSN established a five year vision to form an organization to help qualifying former players, trainers, managers, coaches and their immediate families when  needed. Benny Pace, Jim Kay, and I are now in year four of this process, and we now have in place a structure to complete our 501 (c) (3) tax exempt mission. 

Today begins Volume 3 Newsletter #1. The newsletter is emailed twice monthly to the TLSN email list that now consist of over 3000 individuals.  The TLSN website has grown from 19,000 views in 2016 to 49,000 views in 2017. We will continue to add content, original articles, and historically significant events in 2018.  The site content is never ending- dynamic and not static. 

For 2018 we have added a “fans” section on the navigation site to allow fans to share their special memories for posterity. As is the nature of building a website, the fan section may take one are two years to catch on, but I am confident that if the site is “built they will come”.  

All four of these articles capture the authors perspective of special moments from the past.  There is no better perspective to tell a story than from someone who lived during that moment in history.

1.     Billy Dale remembers Tommy Nobis. If anyone would like to share memories about Tommy, please send to my attention, and I will add to the content. 

2.     Mark McDonald – a long-time sports writer for dailies in El Paso, Abilene, Dallas and San Antonio, now an author in Midland, wrote an insightful article about the Mauldin’s contributions to Longhorn sports. Mark’s story illustrates how the Mauldin family used steadfast commitment and dedication to build a sturdy bridge to our U.T. past. In sports and far beyond, the remarkable Mauldin connection reminds us that our Longhorn heritage lends shape to the present and empowers the future;

3.     Barbara Wainscott remembers the 1968 Cotton Bowl game against Tennessee and Rolex watches with new beginnings.

4.     Amy Goodwin remembers her father Bobby Goodwin

Welcome to 2018.

At the Top of the Que for Dec. 15, 2017 are two articles written exclusively for TLSN

This is the 26th and final newsletter for 2017 and completes Volume 2.   2017 was a great year for TLSN, Inc. including the formation of a tax-exempt IRS Section 501 (c) (3), a new web format, and record viewership on the web site. The site is now home to 1000’s of historical moments and photos , exclusive articles, insightful comments, and personal commentary.  

Three years ago, three former Longhorn students focused on a 5 year vision to establish an organization that offers financial assistance to qualifying former student athletes, former coaches, former trainers, former managers, and their immediate families.   Year three was the most difficult because of the approval time needed to get NCAA, UT Athletic, and IRS compliant for the 501 (c) (3).

It has been worth the wait and the three Board member-  Benny Pace, Jim Kay, and Billy Dale –  are focused on fulfilling the TLSN mission in 2018.

1.     Mark McDonald – a long-time sports writer for dailies in El Paso, Abilene, Dallas and San Antonio, now an author in Midland, wrote an insightful article about the Mauldin’s contributions to Longhorn sports. Mark’s story illustrates how the Mauldin family used steadfast commitment and dedication to build a sturdy bridge to our U.T. past. In sports and far beyond, the remarkable Mauldin connection reminds us that our Longhorn heritage lends shape to the present and empowers the future;

2.     Barbara Wainscott remembers the 1968 Cotton Bowl game against Tennessee and  Rolex watches with new beginnings.

Horns Up for 2018! 

Billy Dale, Benny Pace, and Jim Kay


In the month of November 2017, the top five web pages were:

1.     T-Ring Reflections

2.     Nolte McElroy — Lost too soon

3.     Football — DKR 1957-1967

4.    Mission statement

5.     Rings and Such (work in progress more images needed)


At the Top of the Que (ToQ) for Dec. 1, 2017, there are significant changes:


  • The website has been updated to reduce the number of drop down menus, and replaced with thumbnail icons.  For example, if you click on “Sports” listed at the top of the page many thumbnail images will appear. Click on the image that best reflects your subject of interest. The revised process is menu-driven, with hopes you find it easier to use.

  • I have added to the navigation panel a “Guest Writer” page. Clicking on this subject will open a drop-down menu with articles written by Tommy Lucas, Barbara Wainscott, Billy Schott, Amy Goodwin, Rodney Page, Mark McDonald, Roy Bechtol, John Fuqua, and Bobby Gamblin. Lots to read here.

  • Presently two guest writers are preparing articles that capture important moments in Longhorn sports history. These snapshots of sports history are reminders to all Longhorns that the past shapes the present and empowers the future.  One article shares the influence of the Mauldin family on Longhorn sports history. The other article captures, thru the eyes of the well-known artist and former Longhorn football player Ragan Gennusa, the struggles that many athletes must overcome to be a part of Longhorn sports history.   

November 16, 2017

At the Top of the Que (TOQ) for November 16, 2017 are updates and new research that includes:

  • A partial Bio of Donna Lopiano (still adding content) the first Women’s Athletic Director for the Longhorns;

  • An article about Frank Medina, (if you read this section in one of Franks letters he uses the word “Psychasthenia” which means a psychological disorder characterized by phobias and  he uses the  word  “claudicant” which means limping);

  • A story from Barbara Wainscott about the relationship between Frank Medina and her husband Loyd Wainscott; and

  • A dedicated page to Emory Bellard and the Wishbone offense.

I have hired a professional writer to capture some of the special moments in longhorn sports history.  Mark McDonald’s first article will highlight the football ancestry of one Longhorn family that spans over 67 years.

There are some significant updates in the “women’s” section on the TLSN website. The updates include research conducted in the Austin library system, a thesis from Tessa M. Nichols titled 

Organizational values and women’s sport at the University of Texas, 1918-1992, and a project completed in 2012 authored by Miriam Richards.   

As always, research on the Longhorn sports history is a never-ending story that requires additions, deletions, revisions, corrections, and edits.  If you have photos, U.T. letters, or a story you would like to publish that deals with legacy Longhorn sports, then email me at Billydale1@gmail.com .

Billy Dale 

October 23rd 2017

Today’s Que theme is “Build it and they will come”

  • Those who receive Longhorn sports honors contribute to Longhorn history. They are the cornerstones of Longhorn sports heritage. The “honor” section of TLSN is still a work in progress, but I have enough information to begin the celebration of former Longhorn athletes.  

  • Today’s que celebrates national champions, women’s swimming, women’s basketball, baseball, and a special tribute to Coach Jody Conradt’s great accomplishments as head coach of the women’s basketball program.  

  • Ragan Gennusa will tell his fascinating story of the “Triolgy” artwork he created during Coach Mack Brown’s path to the 2005 national championship.  (Article is scheduled for some time in December 2017, or January 2018.)

At 69 years of age and after decades of playing golf, Mack McKinney (1966 football recruiting class) is celebrating his first hole-in-one.

October 15 2017

In the que Today:

  • YA Tittle passed away this month. History will show he was a Longhorn before he was a Tiger. Find it in the story about Hub Bechtol in the que.  Hub is the only football player to receive All-American football recognition all 4 years of college eligibility.

  • Coach Bibb Falk in 1924 finished 2nd to Babe Ruth for the hitting crown and that year he only made 3 errors as a great outfielder. Bibb Falk’s years as the Longhorn coach are chronicled in the que.

  • The TLSN mission statement has been Updated.  


  • Billy Schott’s article about the tunnel and the OU game is posted. Great article that is palpable to the senses.


  • Always looking for other great moments from women’s and  men’s sports to share with fans.


Oct 2,2017

In the next six months, TLSN will add more directors, to more accurately reflect UT sports in 2017. Directors will be selected from former Longhorn athletes, former support staff personnel, and former Longhorn coaches.   

 The five most-visited pages on the TLSN web site for September 2017, in order of popularity, are: (1.) “T Ring Reflection”; (2.) Fans tribute to Wesley Allen;  (3.) “DKR – 1957-1967”; (4.) Coach Dang Pibulvech, women’s soccer coach , and; (5.) “Julius Whittier – Transforming Longhorn football”.

 Billy Dale — proud member of the 1967 football recruiting class 

In the que Today:

  • Coach David McWilliams has returned to coaching;

  • Update on the Greg Ploetz story, and his painting;

  •  Update on the TLSN mission statement;   

  • “If you build it they will come.”



TLSN site is at https://Texaslsn.org

UT Austin states “what starts here changes the world”.  Today an organization is formed that reflects the depth of this precept.  For the first time in the history of college sports an organization has been formally structured with the specific mission of supporting former athletes, former support staff personnel, former coaches, and their direct families.  

The genesis of this support organization started informally 13 years ago and 2 ½ years ago evolved into an official organization incorporated with the goal of forming a tax exempt capable of funding the support function.  As of 9/12/2017 that mission was completed. The letter that the three founders received from the IRS states that TLSN is “exempt from federal income tax under the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) section 501 (c) (3). Donors can deduct contributions they make to TLSN under IRC section 170”.

Specific details of the funding parameters will follow as the Board members work thru all the logistics, but in general terms donors will be able to “designate” how their donations are used.  Within reason, donors can designate any sub-group covered in the mission statement to receive a donation.  For example, donors can designate only swimmers, DKR players, Track athletes, administration expenses, or …………….   The designation status for donor contributions are a work in process.  Stay tuned for more specifics. 

Over the next 6 months the Board members hope to establish an Advisory Board composed of former Longhorn athletes, former support staff personnel, and former Coaches.  

In the meantime, if you have any questions pertaining to the TLSN tax exempt please send to Billydale1@gmail.com and the board will try and answer your questions. None of the board members will be compensated for their service so 100% of all donations over the next 6 months will be available to support teammates in need.   

One last note before the Que updates. The TLSN newsletter is delivered to 2158 email recipients and the TLSN website reaches 1,000’s of Longhorn fans.  The “clicks” on our website for 2017 YTD are 300% ahead of 2016 “clicks” on site.  The more people know about the TLSN’s mission statement the more likely we can accomplish our mission. Please tell your friends and teammates about the site so that the bridges built by Longhorns in the past can support the present and empower the future. 

Billy Dale- proud member of the 1967 football recruiting class

 In the Que Today:

·         A tribute to Wesley Allen- I never met Wesley , but I know him well.  I followed his journey from beginning to end on Facebook.  Wesley’s story represents all that is good about friends, loyalty, and passion. For Wesley everyday was a national championship day with a burnt orange tower.  His life reflected the #1 spirit of the #1 fan of the Texas Longhorns and his spirit consumed everyone he met; 

·          TLSN Mission statement; and  

·         An article about the only Coach in the History of college sports to start 4 NCAA sanctioned sports at 4 different Universities.  

NOTE: There will be a new book available in 2018 about the Horns and Hogs by Mark McDonald titled Divided by Pride, Bound by Honor — How the 1969 Arkansas-Texas Big Shootout Still Shows the Road to Redemption.


Billy Dale – TLSN Inc.

Email: BillyDale1@Gmail.com

Not in the que but added to the “Sentry” section is Larry Webb’s current health status.  Larry is a 1968 football recruit.   

Randy Stout will have pre-op on 9-11-2017 and neck surgery soon after.   

The top pages viewed for August 2017 were:

·         T-Ring Reflection

·         DKR 1968-1976

·         Men’s Basketball 1906-1967

·         Danny Lester- lost too soon

·         1980 football images

In the Que Today:

·         Two articles about Coach Leon Black written by Rodney Page and Billy Dale.  Coach Black in the late 60’s and early 70’s was Texas men’s basketball visionary. He is a pioneer who should be celebrated for overcoming many obstacles to forever change the landscape of Longhorn college basketball.  

·         A great picture of past Senior Managers Jay Fenley, Mark Lord, Allen David, Jim Craig Hess, Mike Powers, and Jeff Crozier enjoying fellowship before the Maryland game.  

·         Dick Watt has some comments about Bob McKay and I have added one priceless picture of Bob as a Senior in high school.

·         There will be a new book available in 2018 about the Horns and Hogs by Mark McDonald titled Divided by Pride, Bound by Honor — How the 1969 Arkansas-Texas Big Shootout Still Shows the Road to Redemption.    

Top of the Queue Volume II –16th Newsletter August 1, 2017

Texas Legacy Network is a Longhorn Support Organization

Building Bridges to the Past, Focused on the Present, and Planning for the Future.

In the month of July 2017 the top 5 sites viewed were:

1) Rodney Page’s article is in the “pioneer” section;

2) Johnny Walker’s health status is in the “sentry” section;

3) “1960’s football” is in the “insight” section;

4) Betty Tompson’s article is  in the “Pioneer” section; and  

5) Greg Ploetz’s struggle with stage 4 CTE (see below in que)

In the Que this week is :

1) A photo of Al Matthews with DKR.  Al played for Green Bay in the NFL and was the first black Longhorn coach for the Longhorns; 

2) Greg’s struggle with CTE. If you played for DKR and have not signed  Greg’s Lithograph  and you live within 500 miles of Austin I will bring the painting to you for your signature;.  

3) Insight into  Longhorn Soccer

4) Hall of Honor inductees  1995- 2004

5) TLSN Mission statement updated

Billy Dale – CEO, President, and Director- TLSN Inc.

Email: BillyDale1@Gmail.com


Website: Texaslsn.org

Top of the Queue Volume II – 15th Newsletter July 14th 2017

In the month of June 2017 the top 5 sites viewed were:

1) Johnny Walker

2) T-Ring Reflection

3) Spike Dykes- Avoid Flying Baloney

4) Images of players from the 1980’s (still adding) 

5) Baseball-  the Cliff Gustafson’s era

The article about Rodney Page will be in the July 2017 numbers not the June numbers, but I can tell you now it will be the second most popular article in the history TLSN. Second only to the article about Tommy Nobis.

In the queue this week is

1) An update of the TLSN mission statement

2) Images of the 1965-1974 HOH inductees

3) The history of women’s golf

4) The history of women’s track 1993-2014.

In the next two weeks there will be an article published on the TLSN site, Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin about Head Basketball Coach Leon Black. It is a great story about how his visions changing the topography of Longhorn basketball.   

Blessings to All,

Billy Dale – proud member of the 1967 football recruiting class

Billy Dale – President and Director- TLSN Inc.

Email: BillyDale1@Gmail.com


Website: Texaslsn.org

Texas Legacy Network is a Longhorn Support Organization

Building Bridges to the Past, focusing on the Present, and Planning for the Future.

Top of the Queue Volume II 13th Newsletter June 13th 2017

Billy Dale – President and Director- TLSN Inc.

Email: BillyDale1@Gmail.com


Website: Texaslsn.org  

Texas Legacy Network is a Longhorn Support Organization

Building Bridges to the Past, focusing on the Present, and Planning for the Future.  

Note- the TLSN site is a historical site that chronicles the history of all Longhorn NCAA sanctioned sports- volleyball, basketball, golf, tennis, soccer, swimming, baseball, softball, rowing, track,  cross country, and football.  The site is always adding, editing, and revising content in an attempt to tell the Never Ending Story of Longhorn Sports.

In the Que this Week :

·         Danny Bearden and Keifer Marshall have passed away. A tribute to each is in the que.

·         The  1960’s football “insight” section has been added to the que, and I have added my insight  to this section. First hand memories build the bridge to the past for present and future Longhorns. Over the next few years I hope to populate the TLSN site with first person accounts of special moments in Longhorn sports history.  My favorite story is about Garry Brown. For me his experience captures a special moment in time that captures the true spirit of playing sports.  I hope you will read his article.  Presently, there are at least 25 personal stories captured on the  TLSN site.   Please share your memories for posterity so readers receive a first hand knowledge of our Longhorn heritage.          

·         In the que, there is a pictorial page titled “A bond that Last a life time” .

Texas Legacy Support Newsletter


Top of the Queue Volume II – 12th Newsletter –  June 1st, 2017

 In the month of May 2017 the top 5 sites visited  were #1 Johnny “Sky” Walker, #2 Spike Dyke’s , #3 T-Ring Reflection, #4 Volleyball, and #5 Women’s Tennis

Included in the que for this newsletter are the following sites:

·       It took almost 100 years for Texas to decide on a Logo and team colors.  The whole history is in the que;

·       A new site highlights the Pioneers of Longhorn Sports since 1895 (site is still in process);

·       An article about when to celebrate a loss in Track and Field or other endeavor; and

·       The History of Managers and Trainers (This is a work in process)

Top of the Queue Volume II Que 11 May 21, 2017

A Legacy that Binds- Longhorn Sports History

Building Bridges to the Past

A Bond Confirmed in the past, Focused on the Present, and Planning for the Future.


Email: BillyDale1@Gmail.com


1) TLSN offers a free resume’ service for former Longhorn student athletes and support staff personnel.  I am proud to say that Tommy Woodard resume’ has been deleted from the TLSN site because he has returned to work as a Landman!!!!!!!!!!!!!    

2) Chance Mock’s resume’ has been added to the TLSN site and it is in the que.

3)  Adolph Kiefer was the  oldest living Olympian and a Longhorn.  He passed away on May 5th 2017.  His incredible story is in the que. Thanks to Bill Robertson for the photos of  Adolph.

4) Johnnie Johnson has updated information on his tax exempt in the “ Giving Back” section .  TLSN does not officially endorse any tax exempt or special interest publication. The TLSN goal is to “inform” our base of any organizations created by former Longhorn student athletes, former support staff personnel, or former Coaches that contains  a compassionate component. Johnnie Johnson’s site qualifies and is listed in the “Giving Back” section of TLSN.  If you are a director of an organization that you feel may qualify for addition to the “Giving Back” site,  please email me your link.

5) The DKR Bridge Builder section has been revised and thanks to Jenna McEachern now includes the actual audio of DKR reciting the Bridge Builder poem.  Jenna has published several books.  Please visit her site at     http://www.burntorangebooks.com/6/Our-Books?x=B7ByCWnDyv3jAkzDDOY2Cn%2fk8%2bbXEY%2bl 

Top of the Queue Volume II Que 10 May 5th 2017

 Top of the Queue to All!   Today’s newsletter includes:

Information from Bill Atessis you may not know about Alzheimer’s and Dementia treatment,

An update on Johnny “Sky” Walkers fight with stage 3 colon cancer,

Updates on David McWilliams coaching era.

A Bio of the Longhorn women’s first soccer coach Dang Piblovech.  He is the only coach in the history of NCAA sanctioned sports who was hired 4 different times by 4 different Universities to develop a women’s soccer program from scratch.    His story of success and failure reflect how difficult it is to be a pioneer in a college sports.  

Visit the TLSN site at Texas-lsn@squarespace.com for more information on these topics

Informational only:

In April  2017  the 5 most visited sites on TLSN were

#1 Johnny “Sky” Walker,

#2 Football DKR 1968-1976,

#3) T-Ring reflection,

#4) Women’s soccer,

#5) Track- Distance and Cross Country  

— Top of the Que  Volume II  que 7  March 23, 2017

In the que for this newsletter – Please visit www.texaslsn.org to view

1   The story and obit on the great track star Hollis Gainey 

2    Jack Freeman- football recruiting class of 1966- has been given the gift of life from his son. On March 15, 2017 Cullen Freeman gave his father a kidney.   There is not a more defining act of love from son to father than this gift. 

3  A great article written by Amy Goodwin that shares her memories of her father (Bobby Goodwin). Her article makes a profound statement about football, family, and special bonds.

4   Historical updates discussing the powerful influence  of Title IX on women sports.   This section is still a work in process with more information to follow.

5  Last Call on signing up for The Brian Robison “Reel ‘Em In” Foundation fishing tournament

6 A “Post” section has been added to the navigation site for two way conversations.  Ed Berry is requesting help on finding vintage football videos of the Longhorns

Not in the queue but with major site updates  

1 please  click  on  “women”, then click on golf

2 Please click on “men” then click on golf

Texas Legacy Support Newsletter


A Legacy That Binds- Longhorn Sports History 

              A Bond confirmed in the Past, Focused on the Present, and Planning for the Future                            

 BillyDale1@gmail.com   972-672-9071

Top of the Queue 1/15/2017


More pictures of Sloan Thomas, TJ Dilworth, Vince Young, Bobby Lilljedahl, Blake Erskine, Guy Bobbra, Corby Meekins, Dusty Renfro, Brent Kelly, and Wayne McGarity, Norman Watkins, Robert Dullnig, Taylor Landlin, 

1) Rick Ingraham notified me, and I have confirmed that Courtney Glynn has been diagnosed with cancer. At this time there are no other details to communicate concerning Courtney’s status.  Courtney is Jason Glynn’s wife (center for the Longhorns 2003 and 2004), and she is the executive assistant to Ricky Brown and Jill Sterkel. On the TLSN website at the top of the page is a sectioned titled “Sentry” On that page  there is information on the health status of Johnny Sky Walker, Johnny Lam Jones, Kylie Doniak, Tyres Dickson, Edna Campbell, Dennis Ladd, and Julius Whitter.  Courtney will be added to the Sentry section next week, and you will be able to access the TLSN site and click on Courtney’s name to see her current status.  I ask each of you to open a special place in your heart for Courtney as she begins her battle. The picture of Courtney with Ed Padgett on the TLSN site was taken at a luncheon on January 11th 2017. 

2) Photos of some of the participants at the luncheon for Coach Herman on January 11th 2017 are on the site .

3) The story of John Henderson and Fred Bednarski is revisited in the Queue. 

4) Information on the Texas Swimming & Diving Hall of Fame 2017 induction ceremony is available in the queue and at  http://www.tsdhof.org/class-of-2017/

5) Do you really know our Jill Sterkel? She is highlighted in the queue.


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