1937 Dr. Denton Cooley

Doctor Denton Cooley

 In 2004 the 44,000 square foot Denton A. Cooley Pavilion was dedicated. The facility is where both the women and men practice on separate courts. It was one of the best workout facilities in the country when built.

Denton Cooley wanted to be a jock, not a Doc in his younger years. Fortunately, the confused younger Cooley at Texas discovered the heart and became one of the most esteemed surgeons in the world.

Denton was a 6-4 walk-on center in 1939 and played an important role in winning the SWC championship and participating in the NCAA basketball tournament.

There were no flights to Madison Square Garden, so the team hopped on a train to play Manhatten College. The Horns won. The next day they played in Temple in Philadelphia and lost.

The Horns started the NCAA playoffs heading by train to San Francisco. Coach Gray noticed that Cooley was in the dining car eating buckwheat pancakes. Gray looked at Denton and said, “No buckwheat for you, Buckwheat!” The name stuck for the rest of his years at Texas.

This story is probably not for TSLN but it is fascinating and thought you would enjoy. Chuck played Tennis at UT..Distinguished alum, son-in-law of Denton Cooly. The Miricle baby is my son and daughter in laws nephew

Click on the link below for Holtin’s story

Holtin’s Story on Vimeo

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