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The 50-year ascent of the lost mine trail

Because of a hike up the Lost Mine trail in 2016, a new path has been built. For the first time in the history of intercollegiate athletics, a private charitable and tax-exempt organization with the specific mission of offering temporary financial assistance to qualifying former Longhorn student-athletes, trainers, managers, and their immediate families is available.

In 2006 I was stricken with a non-life-threatening disease that, for years, sapped me of my energy and appetite for life. By January 2015, there remained only one surgical option for recovery. If the surgery was unsuccessful, no other medical options were available to enhance my quality of life.

The operation was a success!

After a year of rehabilitation, I was ready to test my return to good health. No, I did not go sky diving as Tim McGraw suggested, but I went hiking up  “Lost Mine Trail” in Big Bend National Park in April 2016. It would be my second time in 50 years to challenge this desolate trail. 

The first time was in 1966 when my parents permitted me to climb Lost Mine Trail without adult supervision. It was a crucial moment toward self-reliance on my journey to adulthood.

The 2016 Journey 

The 50th anniversary of the first ascent of the Lost Mine Trail began at 5:00 A.M. on April 3rd, 2016. It started with a drive to Fort Davis to see Glen Halsell – a friend since the 8th grade. 

Glen was an All-American and Captain on the 1965 (Friday Night Lights) Odessa Permian state championship team and the Texas Longhorns 1969 National Championship team. 

We shared a few memories, and then I said goodbye with a hug that captured in a brief moment decades of shared experiences. Only teammates bonded by a common experience understand that in sports, respect is earned, not given. My belief that life has little meaning without family and friends was re-confirmed as we parted ways.

Two hours later, at 1:15 P.M., I started my journey up Lost Mine Trail. The round trip hike is listed at 3 hours. In 1966 I ran most of the way and completed the ascent and descent in two hours. In 2016 the trip took 5 hours, with many stops bent over with hands to knees to catch my breath.

I did not know when I started my ascent that this hike would have spiritual overtones representing a personal “Walk to Emmaus,” but it did.

A young boy ran past me three hours into the ascent and 15 minutes from the top. I told him in jest, “‘Hey, slow down- don’t you know you are in a school zone?” He smiled and said: “I want to see how fast I can run the trail from top to bottom .”I smiled and said, “50 years ago, I completed the round trip in two hours.” He did not hear me, but as I watched him continue his climb, I shed a few tears of joy, remembering my challenging running ascent and descent 50 years ago.

The young boy was sitting on a rock when I reached the top. I asked him what happened to his race against time. He said, “I decided to enjoy the view and wait for my mom and dad to share this moment with them.” We spent 30 minutes talking to each other, and the more he spoke, the more impressed I was with his maturity. Finally, when his family arrived, he climbed down from the rock to greet them, and I took that opportunity to ask him to take my picture.

Summit April 3rd, 2016

The 50th anniversary of my first climb in 1966 gave me pause to reflect on my life journey. 

While you see my image sitting on a rock at the top of the Lost Mine Trail, you can’t see the epiphany that touched my soul.

With the click of the camera, a split second in time, the 4th quarter of my life’s mission was set. I realized how unhappy and helpless I felt listening to Americans, media, and politicians spew word venom at each other. Mean-spirited comments that profile those that disagree with you as evil and those that agree with you as righteous. Portraying good people as evil and evil people as good.

I wanted out of this political hate fest, and the camera’s symbolic spiritual click was the answer that released me from issues I could not control. Sitting on the rock on top of Lost Mine trails is when I chose to change “who I am to who I should be.” Seeing the world through this boy’s eyes- not mine- I was once again full of hope and optimism for the future of our country. 

This boy started the day in a race against time but ended the day choosing to share a special moment with his parents. Choosing family over personal goals is an important decision for any adult, so witnessing this 14-year-old boy’s decision to put family first encouraged me to prioritize my life to look at the world through his eyes.

I climbed the mountain in 2016 to complete a personal goal, but I walked down with more altruistic visions — a passion for giving back the blessing I have received and lending others a helping hand.

 The Lost Mine trail once again impacted my life. In 1966 it was my pathway to adulthood; In 2016, it was my pathway to enlightenment.  

Billy Dale

A link to the TV interview with Billy Dale is below


Benny and Billy.JPG

Benny Pace and Billy Dale celebrate the creation of the TLSN 501 (c)(3) which is composed of both educational and compassionate components.

At my home with Julius Whittier, and Vince Young

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