baseball trivia

 Texas Baseball

1  Which of these star catchers was the only Longhorn named first-team All-America?

A   Tommy Harmon    B  Bill Berryhill    C  Silas Ardoin    D  Chris Abbe   E   Rick Bradley

2   Name the man who hit 462 MLB homers after a stint as backup QB at Texas.

3   Which two of these Horns were two-time MLB All-Stars?

A  Drew Stubbs    B  Dave Chalk    C   Max Alvis    D   Calvin Schiraldi    E   Spike Owen

4   Texas was the only unbeaten CWS team left in ’89 but a deal with CBS Sports forced a “winner take all” championship and UT lost.  To which opponent?

A   Clemson     B  South Carolina   C  Cal State Fullerton    D  Wichita State   E  Arizona State

5   The son of which MLB great played collegiately at Texas?

A   Brooks Robinson   B  Bobby Murcer   C  Carl Erskine   D  Mike Scott   E  Benito Santiago


  1. A.  Harmon   2.  Adam Dunn   3  B&C, Chalk and Alvis   4  D  Wichita St    5  C  Gary Erskine, a letterman in the early ’70s, was the son of Carl Erskine, who played his entire career for the Dodgers

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