Rosey Leaks

Rosey Leaks

 Fifty-Year Flashback: Rosey’s Knee And What Might Have Been by Larry Carlson for Frank Medina and Spanky Stephens helping Rosey after his injury. 1973 Roosevelt Leaks.jpg 1973 Rosy Leaks (8).jpg 1973 Rosy Leaks (13).jpg 1973 Rosy Leaks (12).jpg 1973 Rosy Leaks (10).jpg The University of Texas football program was awash with optimism when spring…

lucky ???? 11

 Lucky Longhorn Number: Yo Eleven by Larry Carlson (   If you’ve played craps in Vega$, you are likely familiar with the “yo eleven” bet. It’s a one-roll deal that is risky but pays 15-to-one.  Not good odds but if you’re a low roller like me, it’s okay to throw the minimum bet out there…

SWC media days

 THE TOUR DE SOUTHWEST: FLASHBACK TO ANOTHER ERA OF MEDIA by Larry Carlson 8/16/2023 As the years rush by at warp speed, and I consider Methuselah a brother in arms,it’s tempting to consider almost all facets of the past as “better days.” Watch “Mad Men” on TV and you’re liable to start wishing you could…

Major Advise for Sark

 MAJOR ADVICE FOR SARK? By Larry Carlson for TLSN’s Larry Carlson teaches sports and news media classes at Texas State University. He is a member of The Football Writers Association of America. Major Applewhite stands tall among Longhorn QB legends. He played in two Big XII title games for Texas. Neither turned out right,…

Kool-Aid and Rat Poison

Kool-Aid and Rat Poison

 SPRING & SUMMER TREATS 2023:  Kool-Aid and Rat Poison by Larry Carlson  ( ) I am often reminded of, and often resurrect Darrell Royal’s definitive dismissal of football players — or teams — supposedly loaded with potential. “Potential,” DKR shrugged, “just means you haven’t done anything yet.” Where do you think the Longhorns will…

The Nasties

The Nasties

Author and #1 Mr. Nasty Professor Larry Carlson  TEXAS O-LINE NEEDS TO GET NASTY by Larry Carlson for https:// Will Texas be able to win in the Horns’ final home game as a Big XII member? Nothing at stake but a last chance to get into the conference title game, with a possible trip…

More will be Less

More will be Less

(TLSN’s Larry Carlson teaches news and sports media classes at Texas State University.  He is a member of The Football Writers Association of America.)  MORE WILL BE LESS Opinion by Larry Carlson for I’m gonna miss the four-team college football playoff that we can still cling to for just a moment longer. Maybe I’m…

2021 Christmas parody

 A Burnt Orange Christmas Ditty by Larry Carlson, with apologies to Clement C. Moore ‘Twas the night before Christmas, When throughout Bellmont Hall Not a creature was stirring, There hung quite a pall. The stockings were hung, though there would be no bowl, And many predicted just small lumps o’ coal. Longhorn Nation was tossin’…