Coach George Hannon 1964-1981

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Coach George Hannon  1964- 1981

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George Hannon’s primary source of income was derived from running Austin’s golf operations Including the new Morris Williams Golf Course – the new home for the Texas Longhorn golf team. The coaching job at Texas represented supplemental income. He was paid $500 a year for his service.

With the help of Tom Kite and Ben Crenshaw he coached two national championship teams.

  • 1989 HOH Induction

  • Coached UT to 1971 and 1972 NCAA titles 12 SWC crowns

  • Coached 22 All-Americans and eight individual SWC champions

  • National Coach of the Year in 1971 and 1972

  • SWC Coach of the Year in 1964, 1971 and 1972

1964 George Hannon SWC Champs  28-14 pending

 Geiselman is  high point man.  Thompson and Mitchell dominate their opponents 

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 Geiselman, Thompson, Roden, Mitchell, Munn, Thomas, Ford  and Coach Hannon

SWC Champs

27th at the NCAA Championship

Pat Thompson  Is SWC Medalist In 1964

1965 George Hannon SWC Champs.   32-10 pending

24th conference championship with a 32-10 record.

Eugene Mitchell ,  Dee Finley,  Randy Geiselman, Mason Adkins, Jimmy Key, Mike Holbrook

Eugene Mitchell , Dee Finley, Randy Geiselman, Mason Adkins, Jimmy Key, Mike Holbrook

17th at the NCAA Championship

Randy Geiselman Is SWC Medalist In 1965

1966 George Hannon 28-14 pending

Front row: Key, Miller, Adkins, Back row: Mitchell, Finley, Holbrook, Marvin


Mason Adkins, SWC MEDALIST

The team finishes 2nd in the SWC, but Mason Adkins is the SWC medalist. 

A fall season is added to golf which made golf a year-round sport. 

27th at the NCAA Championship

1967 George Hannon Pending Content


Horns finish 2nd in SWC with Chip Stewart finishing 2nd. 

kneeling; Massengale, Holbrook, Captain Adkins, Miller, Stewart,  Standing: Smith, Finley, Parker, Seaholm , Hamilton

kneeling; Massengale, Holbrook, Captain Adkins, Miller, Stewart, Standing: Smith, Finley, Parker, Seaholm , Hamilton


1968 men's golf Chip Stewart.jpg

Chip Stewart


13th at the NCAA Championship


1968 George Hannon 25th SWC championship

4th at the NCAA Championship


Rik Massengale – 1968 wins the Western Amateur Champion and in 1969 is the SWC medalist.

1969 George Hannon  31-11 Pending Content

Most of the team from the 1968 SWC champions return in 1969. This is Tom Kite’s freshman year.


Second at The SWC tournament.    The NCAA Texas foursome was Massengale, Stewart, Overturf, and Kite. 

8th at the NCAA Championship

Rick Massengale Is SWC Medalist In 1969



1970 George Hannon SWC Champs 

Longhorns take the top 3 spots at the SWC tournament.  Overturf was the medalist.

Longhorns take the top 3 spots at the SWC tournament.  Overturf was the medalist.


SWC Champs

6th at the NCAA Championship

Dean Overturf Is SWC Medalist In 1970

Two back of Overturf was Tom Kite. 

Kite breaks the 144 holes Massingill  Tournament by a record 28 strokes. 


AD Darrell Royal after consulting with Coach Hannon decides the SWC needs to convert from match play to stroke play in order to me more competitive with the University of Houstons 7 National Championship trophy’s.  Royal decides not to play any SWC team that  does not switch to stroke play. The other teams in the SWC refuse and Texas plays no round robin games with SWC teams in 1970. 


1971 National Champion Coach George Hannan


Ben Crenshaw a freshman and Tom Kite lead the University of Texas to consecutive NCAA titles (1971-1972)

The team is 15 down on the last day of the NCAA tournament. Florida, Wake Forest, and Houston were in the lead.  Kite and Crenshaw are on fire and Texas wins by 7 shots. The teams 275 sets a NCAA Championhip record. 

For the first time in the history of NCAA championship golf Texas shoots sub-par golf over the 4 day National championship tournament.


Crenshaw is the  individual National champion in 1971 and ’73 and he shares the crown with Kite in 1972.

Crenshaw is inducted into the Texas Sports Hall of Fame in 1995.

He wins 18 Collegiate Tournaments

He is First team All American and recognized as the Nations Most Outstanding Collegiate Golfer in 1971, ’72, and ’73

Has an breath taking 70.61 stroke average during his college career.

Is SWC Conference Medalist  in 1972, 1973


Ben Crenshaw is the first Longhorn Medalist at the NCAA Championship event since 1935.

Ben Crenshaw holds the Longhorn record for medalist at  tournaments (16). Justin Leonard is second (8).

Harvey Penick says that Ben was a natural that disliked practice.





Hannon praises Tony Pfaff, Brent Buckman, and George Tucker for their great play at the championship tournament saying that “first man out” Tucker’s 71 took the pressure off the other Longhorn golfers.



SWC Champs

Team won 4 consecutive tournaments 

Tom Kite is an All American in 1972

1984 Hall of Honor inductee

Winner of 9 Collegiate tournaments

Member of two National Champions

Walker Cup Selection 1971


Tom Kite and Ben Crenshaw are co-medalist at the NCAA championship in 1972.


Harvey had a special place in his heart for Tom Kite. In the book “Harvey Penick” by Kevin Robbins the author states that “Kite is a driven man with a colossal work ethic” but he had “a fraction of the athletic ability of someone like Crenshaw”. “Golf never came easily to Kite, but he worked so hard at the game that he seemed to bend its will in his favor. Crenshaw won with ambivalent grace. Kite won with rabid commitment”. Harvey Penick said that Tom had a ” fire smoldering inside of him to succeed”. Tom succeeded because of the countless hours he practiced  his shots. Tom knew there was a difference between practice and hitting balls. He said  “Practice requires concentration, while hitting balls does not.”

1973 George Hannon

1973 mens golf first- Scott, Narverson, Beman, Warobick, Dill, Kahn- middle- Saunders, Mason, Simmons, Haynie, Crancer Muse- Brigham, Pfaff, Harwell, Ball, Wilson


Ben Crenshaw


SWC Champs

3rd at the NCAA Championship

Ben Crenshaw wins a record 3rd medalist honor  at the NCAA Championship.

Bob Harwell is a medalist at the Bevo Classic.

Jim Mason is a three time regional medalist in 1973 , 1974, and 1975.  


Ben needed help to win the SWC and he got it from Warren Chancellor, Tony Pfaff, Brent Buckman, and Johnny Dill





1974 George Hannon Ben is gone co- SWC Champions .

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 Crenshaw gives up his senior year to go pro and his loss ended with Houston and Texas tied for the SWC championship.  It took Mason’s  50 foot putt on the last hole to garner the tie.

The Horns had to scratch and fight all year long to salvage the year. Team placed 8th at the Pan American tournament and 9th at the Border Olympics before finally winning their first tournament.

Longhorns tie Houston for the SWC Championship on Mason’s 50 foot putt in the 18th green.

15th at the NCAA Championship

Tim Wilson is the medalist at the Bevo Classic.

Tony Pfaff is the medalist at the Morris Williams. 


1975 George Hannon average season

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SWC Champs- 11th at the All-American Intercollegiate Invitational and first at the Pan American and Morris Williams tournaments. Bedillion and Simmons are the most consistent on the team.

17th at the NCAA Championship

Lance Ten Broeck Is SWC Medalist In 1975 and he wins the Harvey Penick tournament. In 1976 he is medalist at the SWTSU Bobcat Invitational.

Randy Simmons is medalist at the All-College Classic.  

Dale Blackburn is medalist at the Bevo Classic.


1976 George Hannon

Randy Simmons is team captain. He thought this team could win the National Championship but he was wrong. Texas did not win a single major tournament this year. They even struggled to finish 2nd in the SWC.

Jerry Anderson, Jamin Swanter, Tom Wilson, Jerry Anderson, and Randy Simmons all are medalist in regional play. 

Bedillion quits team to focus on studies. 

1977 – Coach Hannon

Team finishes 4th in the SWC. It was a bad year.   10th at the Pan American and 11th in the LSU tournament.

Phil Blackmar is UT’s top man this year and is helped by Chaffe, and Warren Aune.

Improving a golfers game is tough enough when he or she knows what to correct, but it is almost impossible to improve if you don’t know what the problem is. Collectively the goff team and Coach did not know what to correct. Coach Hannon’s frustration showed when he said ‘I do not know what we’re doing wrong. If I knew what it was I’d change it.”

1978 George Hannon Pending Content


Top of the Charts 1978

Kirk Branum is Medalist at the Border Olympics.


1979 George Hannon

Tennis team finished 3rd in the SWC. Spagnolo had the lowest score on the Longhorn team.

1980 George Hannon Pending Content

Third at the SWC Championship , third at the prestigious All-American Intercollegiate Tournament in Houston and 2nd in the Harvey Penick tournament.  Houston continued to dominate the SWC. 

12th at the NCAA Championship


Andy Rose, Cutts Benedict and Jim Spagnolo all are regional medalist.



1981 George Hannon -SWC Camps

Coach Hannon liked the potential for this team, saying, “We’ve got depth, experience,” and talent to go far in the NCAA’s. The only hiccup was that star player Jim Spagnolo was having trouble transferring 6 hours of credit from a college in Pennsylvania to Texas and was deemed ineligible for the first golf tournament in Oklahoma City. He was replaced with former football player Jon Aune’s brother Greg Aune. 

Lawrence Fields and Mark Brooks led the team to victory in the SWC against hard-driving Houston Cougars. It was Texas first outright SWC championship since 1973  

SWC Champs first since 1977

Finished 16th at the NCAA Championship

Kyle Coody and Paul Thomas are medalists at two tournaments

Jim Clayton is UT’s first full-time Golf Coach

  • 6-time SWC Coach of the Year

  • A member of the Golf Coaches Association of America Hall of Fame

  • 6 top 5 finish at NCAA’s

  • Coached Bob Estes-1988, Justin Leonard-1994, Brad Elder- 1997, and Jeff Fahrenbruch-1997


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