Byrd Baggett about Coach Price

 What Coach Patterson Taught Me About Leadership- 1968

 I have identified four characteristics of the world’s most effective leaders:

 Number One – They truly care about their followers.

Number Two – They have an unconditional belief in those they lead.

Number Three – They are fair.  They have the same standards for all, from entry level to executive level.

Number Four – They expect excellence (in all thoughts, words, and actions) from each team member.

 Great leaders like Tom Landry, Mary Kay Ash, Mother Teresa, Herb Kelleher, and Cleburne Price genuinely care about their followers.  The previously mentioned individuals are universally recognized within their fields as great leaders, with the exception of Cleburne Price. 

 Cleburne Price, Jr. was one of the most influential people in my life.  His guidance helped me to achieve both athletic and academic excellence at the University of Texas.  Most importantly, the lessons that he taught me from 1969 through 1972 have helped me to become a better man, both personally and professionally.  The “how” can best be illustrated by sharing two conversations that I had with Coach, one during my freshman year and the other during my senior year. 

 The year was 1968.  The place was the University of Texas.  It was my freshman year at the university that I had always dreamed of attending.  I had achieved a goal of being on a full athletic scholarship at the flagship university of the state of Texas.  I was a small town boy, a celebrated high school student athlete who was totally lost on the huge campus in Austin, Texas.  My vision of being a contributor on the Texas Track Team looked bleak, as there were many sprinters and quarter milers who had run times much faster than my high school bests.  I cried myself to sleep the first several months and truly wanted to return to the comforts of home.  Here’s where the first conversation with Coach Price occurred.  He asked to see me, an unproven freshman, in his office one day after practice.  I was puzzled, as I was new and didn’t know why Coach wanted to meet with me.

 Here’s the essence of the first conversation –


I arrived at Coach’s office and he asked me to sit down.  I was a little intimidated, being a freshman and worried that something must be wrong for Coach to want to personally visit with me.  He said, “Byrd, I am very proud to have you on our team.”  I’m thinking, “He really cares about me.”  He went on to say, “Byrd, I have several goals for you.  Number one is that you are going to be a four-year letterman.”  My thoughts, “He really believes in me!”  He continued by saying, “We are going to win at least one Southwest Conference Championship and I am counting on you to help make this happen.”  My thoughts, “How can I let this man down, as he truly cares and believes in me.”  Next, he said, “I truly believe that you have the talents to become an All American.”  My thoughts, “I am an unproven freshman and he believes that I will become of the best runners in the country.”  Finally, he concluded our meeting stating, “Byrd, my final expectation is that you will be elected captain by your teammates.”  I don’t think I need to tell you what I was thinking.  My thoughts of quitting the team had vanished because of one conversation with this man.  I couldn’t wait for the next day’s practice!


Coach’s words proved prophetic, as we more than achieved his predictions.  I lettered four years, was on two Southwest Conference Championship teams, was elected captain of the team for two years, and earned All American honors by being a member of the world’s fastest sprint medley team in 1971.

 Following is the second conversation that was held in Coach Price’s office after my senior year of 1972 –

 As with the first conversation, Coach had asked to visit with me in his office.  I had graduated and my thoughts were focused on making it in the business world.  Like my freshman year, I was a little intimidated and worried about my future.  I sat in the same chair and looked across at Coach Price.  I will never forget the pride and compassion in his eyes, as he said, “Byrd, we did it.”  He recounted the two conference championships, my earning four varsity letters, the world-class relay race in which I became an All American, and the distinction of being elected captain during my junior and senior years.

He continued with words that will forever be in my heart.  “Byrd, I have never coached an athlete that hated to lose more than you.  You worked harder than any athlete that I have had the privilege to coach.”  He got up and moved around the corner of his desk and asked me to stand up.  He hugged me and, with a tear flowing down his cheek, said, “You know how I feel.”


I am blessed to have many great leaders who have influenced my life.  Thanks to all for caring and believing in me.


And Coach, “You know how I feel.”


Written in memory of Coach Cleburne Price, Jr.


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