Cotton Bowl

 The Cotton Bowl from 1942- 1995 matched the champion of the SWC with an opponent from another conference. The Horns played in 22 Cotton Bowls, and UT has nine former players and coaches in the Cotton Bowl Hall of fame. No other school comes close.

1943 George Tech loses  17-14 – Jack Freeman MVP

Jack Freeman

1944 Tie with Randolf  7 to 7 – Joe Parker MVP

1951 Tennesse wins  20-14 Bud McFadin  MVP

Bud McFadin

1953 Tennessee loses   16-0 -Richard Ochoa MVP

1960 Syracuse wins  32-14-  Maurice Doke MVP

Maurice Doke

1962 Mississippi loses   7-Dec  Mike Cotten and Bob Moses -MVP

1963 LSU wins  13-0 -Treadwell is MVP

1964 Navy loses  28-6  Scott Appleton and Duke Carlisle -MVP

1969 Tennesse loses  36-13  Tom Campbell and James Street-MVP

1970 Notre Dame loses  21-17- Steve Worster MVP AND COTTON BOWL HOF

1971 Notre Dame wins 24-11 – Eddie Phillips is MVP

Eddie Phillips

1972 Penn State wins  30-6

1973 Alabama loses   17-13  Randy Braband and Alan Lowry -MVP

1974 Nebraska wins  19-3 – #35 wADE jOHNSTON IS MVP

Wade Johnston is MVP

1978 Notre Dame wins  38-10

1982 Alabama loses   14-12   Robert Brewer is MVP

1984 Georgia wins  10 to 9  Jeff Leiding – MVP

1991 Miami wins  46-3 (NO COMMENTS)

1999 Mississippi State loses 38-11 Ricky Williams and Aaron Babino -MVP

2003 LSU loses  35-20 Roy Williams and Cory Redding- MVP

2000 Arkansas wins  27-6

Longhorn Cotton Bowl photos

2005 Cotton Bowl Hall of Fame

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