In the Que Volume IV Newsletter #17 07/13/2019

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Coach Pat Weis and Longhorn women’s golf; The history of Heat Stroke and football 1961-2018; Spanky Stephens and Natasha’s law; The updated story of CTE – Tommy Nobis,Greg Ploetz, Julius Whittier, and Larry Webb.

Photo is of a Longhorn student athlete resting after a Frank Medina work-out in the 60’s and 70’s.

Much of the research for this section on the TLSN Longhorn historical website was derived from the incredibly informative book” Life of Coach-The Story of Pat Weis” by Mickie Edwards.

Pat Weis was hired in 1957 as a Longhorn P.E. teacher. After Title IX in 1973 she accepted the position as head coach of the Longhorn women’s golf program. Coach Weis is a 2001 Hall of Honor inductee whose teams qualified 24 times for the NCAA national championship tournament. Personally, she earned 5 Conference Coach of the Year Awards, 2 National Coach of the Year Awards, and one Gladys Palmer Award. In addition, Pat Weis coached 11 Longhorn All-Americans, 4 SWC players of the year, 3 Honda-Broderick Award winners, one AIAW individual National Champion, one National Player of the Year, and one NCAA tournament medalist.

The History of women’s Longhorn golf under Pat Weis is in the Que.

Updates on Heat stroke

In the 1950’s and 1960’s football players were taught that drinking Water was for Sissies.

On September 1, 1962 Reggie Grob, a Texas football player, was rushed to the hospital with a core temperature of 106. He died two weeks later. On March 29th, 2019 Jordan McNair, a Maryland football player, was rushed to the hospital with a core temperature of 106. He died two weeks later. 56 years of significant research on the causes of heat stroke separate these two tragic deaths and still the lesson is not learned.

Read the whole article in the Que.

Reggie Grob

Google “Natasha’s Law” to read more about Spanky’s efforts.

Spanky is the middle between Mackovich, Akers, Royal, and McWilliams. He has spent years establishing concussion protocols to protect high school athletes.

Hopefully, Spanky’s effort to educate pre-college athletes and their families about concussions will lead to better methods to diagnose head trauma in the early phases.

A teammate bond last forever. Dr. Dan Terwelp and Larry Webb as Longhorn football teammates represent this bond. Larry recently passed away living the last years of his life like many other former Longhorn student athletes and their families. Dan Terwelp was part of Larry’s family support system through the very worse.

The updated stories of Longhorns consumed by CTE and Spanky’s story are in the que.

Dr. Dan Terwelp and Larry Webb

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