Men’s Track T-Ring Reflections

Tex Ramsdell is one of three Ramsdell’s who excelled at sports at Texas

Tex did not intend to leave Texas for Penn but he was late returning from a summer job and found his job as a table waiter at B Hall filled. That meant that he would have to borrow $1,000 to attend school so he chose to go to a big northern school instead of Texas. In 1910 he was selected as a 3rd team All-American at Penn.

The following appeared on 24 December 1911 in the Dallas Morning News: Fred (“Texas”) Ramsdell, famous as a sprinter and football star, was in Dallas yesterday, stopping here on his way to Austin, where he will spend the holidays with his family. Fred Ramsdell broke records first at the University of Texas and later went to Pennsylvania, where he played on the Football team and was sent to Europe for a tour with a track team from that school.

The following appeared on 15 August 1909 in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram: Fred Ramsdell, erstwhile track and field star of the University of Texas, will not be allowed to play football at Pennsylvania this fall, though he abandoned the Texas school for the express purpose of making the quaker eleven. Here is an account of the Texas boy’s doings in the East: “Fred ‘Texas’ Ramsdell, the University of Pennsylvania sprinter, will be lost to the Red and Blue football team this year because of imperative orders from Mike Murphy, the track coach, that he should confine himself to the cinder path.

Boyce Gatewood is One of the world’s best hurdlers, but he is the unluckiest track star in the history of Longhorn sports.

Felix McKnight, the Dallas News and Dallas Times-Herald editor wrote an article about Boyce Gatewood and Fred Wolcott. He said, “only inches usually separate the pair at the finish line, but Wolcott is always in front.” “Gatewood, a gangling boy with a magnificent stride, gets undisputed recognition as the unluckiest fellow in SWC track history…he just happened to come along at the same time as Wolcott.”

Fred Wolcott, a Rice hurdler who beat Gatewood every time they went head to head over four years, was at the Drake Relays, and Gatewood was at the Kansas relays. Gatewood started building up to the final challenge of Wolcott last week, making the blonde Rice star equal the world record of 13.7 to beat him by the inevitable inches.” In that race, Gatewood was credited with a time of 13.8, which was a Longhorn school record for 31 years. It is still one of the best performances by a Longhorn. Sportswriter Weldon Hart A talks about the jinx on Gatewood. He said, “Gatewood eminently deserves to win a big race before he quits topping the timber (hurdles) for U.T….”

So Weldon Hart says,” it’s today or not at all for the lanky, handsome senior from Electra, Texas.” Gatewood won the race. He deserved this moment. There was another chance for Boyce Gatewood to finish first in his college career when Fred Wolcott was out with an illness for the SWC championship. Gatewood jumped the gun twice and was disqualified.

The worst moment for Boyce occurred at a Princeton track meet when it appeared that Gatewood beat Wolcott in a world record time of 13.6, but the Rice coach complained and won the appeal. Wolcott won by an eyelash. It was the same old story for the man who even today ranks as one of the greatest hurdlers in U.T. history. Gatewood still left his mark in the SWC. He was the first competitor from the state of Texas invited to compete in Madison Square Garden at the 1942 Knights of Columbus indoor meet. Gatewood won the 60 yard high hurdles and was 3rd in the 60-yard dash. He still has a place in the Longhorn record book as the anchor of the U.T. shuttle hurdle relay world record contingent.

Gatewood remembers at a conference meet in Dallas that Coach Littlefield told him to take it easy in the low hurdles because he had something else planned for him later in the day. He finished 2nd in the Low hurdles and was told to prepare to run the mile relay. Even though he had never participated in the mile relay, he ran a 47 flat and helped the Horns set a new SWC record. Both Wolcott and Gatewood made the Olympic team in 1940, but the games were canceled due to Japan’s belligerence toward the USA.

C.B. Smith 1926- 1928

Three times C.B. Smith was SWC champion in the broad jump. He won the javelin throw one time and finished 4th (one short) of making the Olympic team in the Javelin. He has also been enshrined into the Longhorn HOH.

Great accomplishments all, but after his glory years were over he continued to set records in other formats. As an enthusiastic supporter of track and field he formed a fund-raising committee to help the track program. He also gets most of the credit for bringing the NCAA championships to Austin and the 1974 U.S. vs. Russia Junior Track and Field meet.

1945 (2).jpg

Clyde receiving an award from C.B. Smith and Tiny Gooch

Coach Cleburne Price says that C.B. “is a doer”. “A man like him, with sincere interest and an eagerness to volunteer time and effort to accomplish things that will upgrade the program (track) is hard to fine.”

Ricardo Romo 


First Texan to break the 4 minute mile and a Longhorn All American

Ricardo Romo recovers from injuries and sets SWC meet records in the mile and three-mile runs.  He is 7th nationally in The Mile In 1962 And 3rd In 1966.

HOH inductee in 1987 for CROSS COUNTRY (1963-65) and
TRACK (1964-66)

  • First UT runner to break 4:00 min mile (3:58.8)

  • Third in 1966 NCAA mile run

  • 1964 NCAA cross country title

  • 1966 All-American

  • SWC mile champ from 1964-66 won a three-mile run in 1966

  • Member of 1966 U.S. national track team

  • Ricardo Was The First Texan To Run The Mile In Less Than Four Minutes, A Record That Lasted 41 Years.



Romo recovers from injuries and sets SWC meet records in the mile and three mile runs.  He is 7th nationally in The Mile In 1962 And 3rd In 1966.

1966 Track Romo +1966.jpg

Romo, Davis, Keene – Tri Captains


After College Ricardo Romo served as UT vice provost for undergraduate education, was a member of Men’s Athletics Council, and  he was named the 5th President of the University of Texas at San Antonio in May 1999. 



His love of life and his sense of humor show in the video to the left.


Under his leadership student enrollment grew 68 Percent and numerous programs and facilities were added to enhance student life. 

Under his leadership, UTSA’s research capacity grew exponentially and the university expanded its international horizons.

Ricardo Romo’s accomplishments are a reminder to all Longhorns that in sports and far beyond, his contributions to Longhorn heritage shape the present and empower the future.

Carl Johnson 

By Track All American and Co-Captain Byrd Baggett, UT Class of 1972

I met Carl Johnson in 1968 in Austin. As the only African-American athlete on our University of Texas track team, Carl had skin a different color than mine. He lived alone in the athletics dorm. But we had other things in common: we were both freshmen, scared and homesick, and we both persevered to achieve success during our four years — we were four-year lettermen and All American selections, elected co-captains, and graduated with two conference championships. But from our four years together, the memory that will forever be in my soul is from 1971.

We had traveled to Lawrence to participate in the Kansas Relays, and on the day of the competition, we had stopped at a local diner. We ordered a full meal from the menu; I probably ordered a cheeseburger and fries. As we were leaving for the track for that day’s competition, I noticed that Carl had not eaten lunch, and I was worried that this might affect his performance. I had no extra money myself, but the University always gave us money for meals, and I was perplexed as to why Carl had not eaten.

Not wanting to embarrass Carl, I walked over and asked quietly, “Carl, why didn’t you eat?” He replied in a very meek voice, “Oh, Byrd, I don’t eat. I send the money home to my mom so she and my brothers and sisters can eat.”

We were all aware of Carl’s situation, but we couldn’t really relate, as we never had to deal with the life challenges that he faced. For shirts, Carl cut the corners out of the mesh laundry bags we were issued for our uniforms and wear them over his T-shirts. That’s how poor he was.

Of course, in that day especially, poverty and racism went hand-in-glove. On one trip to Houston, we stopped in La Grange to have lunch. Upon entering the restaurant, the owner approached our head coach, who was Jack Patterson. (Patterson left to become the athletics director at Baylor and was replaced by Cleburne Price.)

I’ll never forget how upset Coach Patterson became when he responded to the restaurant owner that we would eat together as a team or leave. The proprietor told Coach that the white athletes could eat in the restaurant, but the [n…..] would have to eat with the cooks in the kitchen. As we all listened to this exchange, the owner relented and let Carl eat in the restaurant with the rest of us. This was a real bonding experience and gave us a brief insight into what Carl had to deal with on a daily basis. You can also see why Jack Patterson was a great coach: he believed in treating everyone with dignity and respect.

Glen Sefcik, the team manager my four years, lived close to Carl’s hometown of San Angelo, and since Carl had neither a car nor money for trips home, Glen would take Carl home on the holidays. For this, Glen was called a “[n…..] lover.”

We didn’t care about skin color — we were athletes on a mission to win. And while I don’t remember any racial conflicts on the team, I don’t think many of us were very close to Carl. He was a very private person who kept to himself or associated with the few African Americans on campus. I don’t believe we could really understand how lonely Carl was during his four years at UT.

That night in Lawrence, four members of the UT track team unexpectedly made the finals of the sprint medley relay. Carl opened with a blistering 220 and handed the baton off to me to run the second 220. After running one of the fastest splits of my career, I handed off to Ed Wright, who ran a spectacular 440 leg. Ed made the final transition to Dave Morton as he anchored the relay with a world-class 880. The result: the fastest time in the world — 3:16.7.

We were a team, and even though we didn’t always get along, we cared for each other and expected excellence.

In 1973, less than a year after achieving his dream of graduating from The University of Texas, Carl lost his life in a freak car accident.

Even though his early death was tragic, his life was triumphant, and, in an odd way, complete. He had achieved at least two major life goals, and how many of us can say that? Carl had 1. been elected team captain by his peers and 2. graduated from college. It’s doubly triumphant since he achieved his goals against such odds. It’s not the number of years you live, but what you accomplish in those years. And the engine that kept him running was hope. It’s been said that a person can live 40 days without food, four days without water, but only four seconds without hope. I truly believe that what gave Carl hope for a brighter future was his scholarship.

Too many people quit before the blessing. Carl didn’t quit, and his story of perseverance will live in my heart forever.

PAUL HARRIS: Carl Ray Johnson’s spirit lives on in San Angelo

CHS runner Johnson made an impact on and off the track

Posted: July 01, 2013

A couple of months ago, a man named Bobby Lacy walked into the Standard-Times and asked if I could help him find some information from our office library on his old friend, Carl Ray Johnson.

He was wanting to know — for the purposes of a friendly bet — how Johnson had finished at the state track meet in 1968.

I recognized Johnson’s name because San Angelo has a recreation center named after him, but that’s all I knew about the man.

I was intrigued to find out a little more about this former Central High School athlete, who was talented enough to qualify for the state meet and have a gym named in his honor.

Once I began researching him, I uncovered more than I ever expected.

As a sophomore, Johnson took second place at the state meet in the 220-yard dash. After being slowed by injuries as a junior, he was third at state in the 440 as a senior (answering Lacy’s question).

Johnson even twice qualified for the U.S. Jaycees National Track Championships.

Yet his greatest achievements were still to come. He was an All-American runner at the University of Texas, where he became the first black athlete to earn a track scholarship at the school.

He was elected as a captain of the Longhorns track team his senior season in 1972.

Who knows what else he might have accomplished if not for a car accident north of Austin that took his life on July 2, 1973. He was 23 years old.

Today is the 40th anniversary of Johnson’s death.

His legacy still lives on at the Carl Ray Johnson Recreation Center in the 1100 block of Farr St. The gym was named in his honor on June 1, 1982.

It was fitting for the center to bestow his name, not just because of Johnson’s athletic talents but also because of his passion for helping better his community.

Johnson majored in sociology at UT and worked with youth in impoverished neighborhoods in Austin.

“That’s where it’s at,” said Johnson in a 1972 story in the Austin American-Statesman. “The older people have already made up their minds about race relations, and there’s not much chance of changing them. But I hope to show the kids, they can be black in a white man’s world and still get along.”

Last year, Johnson’s life was celebrated at a Texas Exes luncheon in San Angelo, and Central High School created a scholarship, the Carl Johnson Spirit Award, in his memory.

Forty years later, Johnson is still impacting lives.

“The month before he died, he was working with youth in East Austin,” said Johnson’s former UT teammate, Byrd Baggett, at last year’s luncheon. “I think Carl would’ve been working in San Angelo in social work, mentoring, challenging youth not to quit. I think that’s his greatest legacy.”

Lacy also spoke at the luncheon, reciting a poem he had written about Johnson.

“After all that’s said about his athletic prowess, please understand he was a better person than he ever was an athlete,” Lacy told me last week. “He was a great student as well. It was a true loss for us. He left us before the world got to see how great he was.”

Lacy said that while Johnson was best known for his accomplishments in track, he was also an outstanding basketball player.

“We used to play pickup ball at Carver (Elementary), and he changed the game of 21,” Lacy said. “He’d hit a basket and could go the rest of the way with 19 free throws. So we moved the free-throw line back to the top of the circle, and that didn’t hurt him. So we started it where you could only hit three in a row and then take it out because of Carl.”

The 6-foot-2, 180-pound Johnson led the Central Bobcats’ basketball team to a 22-7 record his senior season with 579 points.

His grade-school heroics are the stuff of legend in San Angelo. Johnson won eight events and took second in another one year at the Little Olympics.

I found numerous clippings about Johnson in our library, and I read all of them. I consider it a privilege now to know so much about one of the great athletes and people to ever call San Angelo home.

Of all the things I read about him, I most admired his spirit for wanting to make the world a better place — and working hard to make it happen.

“They keep telling me things are getting better,” Johnson said. “Well, sure, they’re getting better, but when you want something really bad, you don’t want to wait 20 years for it.”

If you were like me and the Carl Ray Johnson Recreation Center was just a name to you. Hopefully, the next time you hear about it or drive past it, you’ll think about the man.


Carl Johnson’s accomplishments are a reminder to all Longhorns that his contributions to Longhorn heritage shape the present and empower the future in sports and far beyond.

Dean Smith -1952- 1954

1952-1954 – Dean Smith is a sprinter and a halfback on the Horns 1952 SWC championship football team. He is the first Longhorn track star to win an Olympic gold medal, and he was inducted into the Texas Sports Hall of Fame in 1985.

After his track career, Dean uses an important contact (Jim Baumgardner), an OU friend, to get a job as a Hollywood stuntman. Years later, Jim Baumgardner changes his Hollywood name to James Garner. Dean Smith is an instant success as a stunt man and is hired by Steve McQueen, John Wayne, and Robert Redford. John Wayne says, “this guy is amazing” He can jump over a horse faster than you can say Jack Robinson.” 

Here is a list of his resume’ in his 84 years as a Longhorn! IT IS LONG AND IMPRESSIVE

Movie Industry: November 2007 marked Dean’s 50th year working in Hollywood in the Motion Picture Business

High School: Graham, Texas
College: University of Texas – Austin
Majored in Education
Fraternity: Alpha Tau Omega
Silver Spurs Honorary Society
“T” Association

Army: Enlisted – Abilene, Texas shipped out October 31st, 1955 to Ft. Ord, California – Basic Training
July 1957 -Ft. McArthur – 
Honorable discharge

High School: Football – All-State halfback senior year
Track – Captain of track team senior year
Made Look Magazine selection as All American 100-yard dash (9.5) State Champion
College: With Coach Clyde Littlefield at Austin, he excelled in sprints – 100yards, 220 yards, 440 yards, and 880 relay teams.
Honors: All-Southwest Conference Champ – 1952, 1954, & 1955, (100 yds. dash record time 9.5). 
All American – 100yd. dash –1952, 1954, & 1955.
8 Southwest Conference Championships.

Gold medal in 400-meter relay team consisting of Dean Smith, Harrison Dillard, Lindy Remegino, and Andy Standfield. Also, the 100-meter dash finishing 4th, the closest finish in the history of the Olympic Games. 

Great video link below.
Won many honors in major competition throughout the United States in such meets as: 
Drake Relays, Kansas Relays, Texas relays, was Sugar Bowl Relays100 yard champion for 3yrs ‘51,’52, & ‘53, California Relays, Coliseum Relays, Compton Relays, West Texas Relays, National AAU Relays, and leadoff man on all University of Texas World Record Relay teams (ran 9.2 – 9.3 – 1954 – 1955).  
AAU National Champion – 100 meters

UT at Austin Coach – Ed Price, Athletic director – Dana X. Bible. Dean Smith played Half Back on the Southwest Conference Champs team, which played in the Cotton Bowl defeating the University of Tennessee.

Played with the L.A. Rams during the exhibition season,
Was traded to Pittsburgh Steelers – decided to enter motion picture industry.

Auntie Mame, They Came to Cordura, The Alamo, The Comancheros, Two Rode Together, How the West Was Won, Distant Trumpets, Cheyenne Autumn, McClintock, Kings of the Sun, PT 109, Rio Conchos, The Great Race, Big Jake, Rio Lobo, Eldorado, True Grit, Three Days of the Condor, Stalking Moon, Jeremiah Johnson, The Birds, The Great Waldo Pepper, The Sting, Black Sunday, Mackintosh & T.J. , Airport I, & Airport II, Blood on the Arrow, The Sugarland Express, Cheyenne Social Club, The Legend of Nigger Charlie, King Gun, Squares, Seven Alone, Hurry Sundown, Stagecoach (remake), What Did You Do In The War Daddy?, Evil Knievel, Rhinestone Cowboy, Maverick, Quick and the Dead, Michael.

Dean Smith – Hollywood Stuntman

Tales of Wells Fargo, Maverick – original, Outer Limits, the Virginian, Gunsmoke, Wagon Train, Laramie, Lawman, The Tall Man, Have Gun Will Travel, Iron Horse, The Outcast, Zorro, Texas John Slaughter, Darby O’Gill, and the Little People, Cimmaron City, Boots and Saddles, Bat Masterson, The Deputy, Riverboat, Whispering Smith, Mannix, Simon & Simon, How the West Was Won (TV), Young Maverick, Hagen, Melvin Purvis, G-Man, Kansas City Massacre, The Last Ride of the Dalton Gang, Dirty Sally, Fantasy Island, Six Million Dollar Man, The Fall Guy, Ironsides, The F.B.I., Timestalkers, Walker 
Texas Ranger, Teddy Roosevelt, and the Rough Riders,

Screen Actors Guild & A.F.T.R.A.
Charter Member of Stuntman’s Association of Motion Pictures 

In 1946 at 14 years of age, I rode my first bareback horse at Stamford’s Texas Cowboy Reunion Rodeo. I camped out on the hill behind the rodeo arena slept on a cot right next to World Champion Cowboy Bob Crosby.
Experience: Amateur Championships in bareback riding and calf roping.
Honorary Member of the Professional Rodeo Cowboy Association 
2002 – Dean Smith Celebrity Rodeo Benefiting the
Cowboy Cancer Crusade, and American Cancer Society with a tribute to Ben Johnson.
2004 – Dean Smith Celebrity Rodeo Benefiting the John Wayne Cancer Institute with a tribute to John Wayne.
2006 – Dean Smith Celebrity Rodeo Benefiting the John Wayne Cancer Institute with a tribute to the Singing Cowboys

“Cowboy Stuntman” 
from Olympic Gold to the Silver Screen
Published by: Texas Tech Press
Released: April 2013

Won a Gold “Will Rogers Medallion”
for Best Western Biography and Memoirs for 2014. 

1980 – Inducted into Stuntman’s Hall of Fame, California
1980 – Inducted into the University of Texas Hall of Fame, Austin, Tx
1985 – Inducted into the Texas Sports Hall of Fame, WacoTx, 
1993 – Ben Johnson Award, California 
1997 – All American Cowboy Award Bandera, Texas
1998 – Golden Boot Awards LA, California
2000 – American Culture Award for Western Movies and Television, Lubbock, Texas
2002 – Head of the Class Alvin Davis Award, Lubbock, Tex
2006 – Inducted into the Texas Rodeo Cowboy Hall of Fame, Temple Texas
2006 – “The Duke Award” John Wayne Cancer Institute Odyssey Ball Beverly Hills, California
2006 – Lifetime Achievement Award from the Jimmy Rane Foundation, Abbeville, Alabama
2007 – Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum in Oklahoma
2007 – Made honorary Major in the Former Texas Ranger Foundation
2007 – Silver Spur Lifetime Achievement Award – LA. Ca.
2007 – American Cowboy from West Quest
2009 – Inducted into the National Multicultural Western Heritage Museum and Hall of Fame
2010 – January inducted into the Texas Cowboy Hall of Fame Ft. Worth, Texas
2010 – January Saluted by the Alamo Society for spectacular Stunt Career
2010 – September was inducted into the Rex Allen Museum Hall of Fame in Wilcox, Arizona.
2010 – October was inducted into The Texas Trail of Fame in Ft. Worth, Texas, with a bronze star embedded in the sidewalk at the stockyards in front of the Coliseum between Yakima Canut and Casey Tibbs. 
2011 – Western Heritage Wrangler Award from the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum for Actor In “Yella Fella and the Lady from Silver Gulch” 2010 Outstanding Fictional Drama
2012 – May Inducted into the Big Country Athletic Hall of Fame, Abilene, Texas

A few of the many movies Dean Smith was part of in the Movie industry



Earl Bellamy Alfred Hitchcock John Millius
Richard Boone Gene Kelly Michael Preece Terry Leonard Dan Curtis Burt Kennedy Otto Preminger Michael Curtiz Howard Koch Sydney Pollock Yackama Cunutt Michael Landon Anthony Quinn Richard Donner Mark Rydell
Gordon Douglas Cliff Lyons Steven Speilberg
Blake Edwards George Marshall Bud Springsteen 
John Ford Russ Mayberry Raoul Walsh
Henry Hathaway Bernie McVeety John Wayne
Howard Hawks Vince McVeety Bill Whitney
George Roy Hill Georgie Sherman Norton Dill

1950 – 1960 – 1970 – 1980 – 1990 – 2010


Rough Riders – (1997) TV Stunts
Michael – (1996) Stunts
The Quick and the Dead – (1995) Stunts
Maverick – (1994) Stunt 
Hot to Trot – (1988) Stunts
Raw Deal – (1986) (Stunt double: Sam Wanamaker)
Cloak & Dagger – (1984) Stunt Player
The Lonely Guy – (1984) Stunt double
Christine – (1983) Stunts
Simon & Simon – TV (Stunt Coordinator 10 episodes, 1981 – 1982)
Tanks for the Memories, 
Double Entry, 
Earth to Stacey, 
The Uncivil Servant & (5 more)
The Concorde…Airport 79 – (1979) Stunts
The Legend of the Golden Gun – (1979) TV Stunts
FM – (1978) Stunt policeman
How the West Was Won – 1978 TV mini series (Stunt coordinator) 
Black Sunday – (1977) Stunts
Mackintosh and T.J. – (1975) Stunt double
Three Days of the Condor – (1975) Stunt double
The Drowning Pool – (1975) Stunt double
The Great Waldo Pepper – (1975) Stunt double
The Towering Inferno – (1974) Stunts
Earthquake – (1974) Stunts
Airport 1975 – (1974) Stunts
The Sugarland Express – (1974) Stunts
The Sting – (1973) Stunt double
Westworld – (1973) Stunts
The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean – (1972) Stunts
Ulzana’s Raid – ((1972) Stunts
Hickey & Boggs – (1972) Stunts
Search – (1972) TV series Stunts
Jeremiah Johnson – (1972) Stunt Double
The Legend of Nigger Charley – (1972) Stunts aka The Legend of Black Charley (USA: TV Title)
Evel Knievel – (1971) Stunts
Big Jake – (1971) Stunts
Sometimes a Great Notion – (1970) Stunts
Rio Lobo – (1970) Stunts
The Cheyenne Social Club – (1970) Stunts
Airport – (1970) Stunts
True Grit – (1969) Stunts
The Stalking Moon – (1968) Stunt double: Trooper
The Outcast – (1968) TV series Stunts
Ironside – (1967) TV Series Stunts
EL Dorado – (1966) Stunts
The Iron Horse – (1966) TV Series (Stunt double: Dale Robertson)  (47) 1-hour shows
What Did You Do in the War, Daddy? – (1966) Stunts
Stagecoach – (1966) Stunt double
The F.B.I. – (1965) TV Series Stunts
The Great Race – (1965) Stunts
In Harm’s Way – (1965) Stunts
Rio Conchos – (1964) Stunts
Blood on the Arrow – (1964) Stunts
Cheyenne Autumn – (1964) Stunts
A Distant Trumpet – (1964) Stunts
Kings of the Sun – (1963) Stunts
McCLintock – (1963) Stunts
The Birds – (1963) Stunts
How the West was Won – (1962) Stunts
The Virginian – (1962) TV Series Stunts
The Comancheros – (1961) Stunt Double
Gunfight at Black Horse Canyon – (1961) TV Stunt Double
Two Rode Together – (1961) Stunts
The Alamo – (1960) Stunts
The Tall Man – (1960) TV Series Stunts
Bat Masterson – (1960) 1 TV episode Stunts
“The Pied Piper of Dodge City”
Laramie – (1959) TV series Stunts
They Came to Cordura – (1959) Stunts
Rio Bravo – (1959) Stunts
Auntie Mame – (1958) Stunts
Born Reckless – (1958) Stunts
Cimarron City – (1958) TV series Stunts
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof – (1958) Stunts
Wagon Train – (1957) TV Series


4TH and Goal 2009 Coach Phillips
Silk Stalkings 1991 J. Henderson Moss (1 – TV episode)
Paradise” 1991 (1- TV episode “The Search for K.C.Cavanaugh”)
Three Fugitives 1989 Playboy
Creepshow 2 1987 Mr. Cavanaugh (segment “Old Chief Wood’nhead”)
Timestalkers TV 1987
Raw Deal 1986 Patrovita’s Double
Rhinestone 1984 Cowboy Doorman
Simon & Simon 1981 Driver 1-episode (“The Least Dangerous Game”)
Bret Maverick 1981 Jack Danner 1 episode (“Welcome to Sweetwater”)
The Last Ride of the Dalton Gang 1979 TV Parker deputy sheriff
Fraternity Row 1977 Andy
The Quest 1976 1- episode Jess (“The Captive”)
Invisible Strangler 1976
Three for the Road 1975 1-episode (“Odyssey in Jeans”)
Mackintosh and T.J. 1975 Bent
Seven Alone 1974 Kit Carson

Earthquake 1974 Pool Player
The Sugarland Express 1974 Russ Berry
The Six Million Dollar Man 1974 1- episode Major Osterman (“Rescue of Athena One”)
Scream of the Wolfe 1974 TV Lake
Mrs. Sundance 1974 TV Avery
Ironside 1973 TV Joe 1 – episode (“The Ghost of the Dancing Doll”)
Ironside 1972 TV Thaler 1- episode (“Find a Victim”) 
Search 1972 1- episode Cowhand (“The Gold Machine”)
The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean 1972 Outlaw
The Bold Ones: The New Doctors 1972 1 – episode Sam (“A Purge of Madness”)
Ulzana’s Raid 1972 Trooper Horowitz  
Hickey & Boggs 1972 Bagman
Squares 1972 Carl  
Big Jake 1971 James William “Kid” Duffy
Sometimes a Great Notion 1970 Bit part
Rio Lobo 1970 L/Cpl Bide
The Cheyenne Social Club 1970 Bannister gang member
True Grit 1969  
Cimarron Strip 1967 1- episode third deputy (“The Legend of Jud Starr”)
Hurry Sundown 1967 Hunt Club Member
El Dorado 1966 Charlie Hagan
The Legend of Jesse James 1966 1- episode Deke (“South Wind”)
Wagon Train 1964 Jim (“The Kate Crawley Story”)
McClintock 1963  
Tales of Wells Fargo 1962 TV episode Michael (“Vignette of a Sinner”)
Tales of Wells Fargo 1962 TV episode Guard (“Reward for Gaine”)
Have Gun Will Travel 1962 TV episode (“One, Two, Three”)
Tales of Wells Fargo 1961 TV episode 2nd man (“New Orleans Trackdown”)
Tales of Wells Fargo 1961 TV episode Wagon Guard (“Border Renegades”)
Have Gun Will Travel 1962 TV episode
The Alamo 1960 Bowie’s Man
Seven Ways from Sundown 1960 Hanley Gang Member
Gunsmoke 1960 TV Episode Cowboy Running in Bar (“Crow bait Bob”)
Rio Bravo 1959 Card Playing Burdette Henchman


100 Years of John Wayne 2007 TV Himself
John Wayne: Working with a Western Legend 2005 TV Himself
Thank Ya Thank Ya Kindly 1991 TV Himself
Dean Smith Hollywood Stuntman 1963 TV Documentary Himself
U.S. Olympic Champions 1952 Himself U.S. Olympic Team Member

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