Steve Ross -Robert Brewer

 A couple of weeks before that Houston game Texas was at Arkansas, and as the #1 team got run over by the score of 42-11. Robert got in and passed for the garbage TD. Robert was friends with the KTBC photog (Gary Johnson) and the three of us sat in the back of the plane on the way back from Faytetteville.

Robert told us he was thinking about giving up football. He wasn’t playing much and studies were getting serious (he was a business major).

The week of the Tech game, Gary and I were at practice and Robert was still out. We talked about it and he admitted that he just loved the game and his teammates too much to give up.

He also told us that earlier he was talking to Herkie about it. Herkie is the most positive Texas player I have ever been around, and Robert told him he might quit, Herkie urged him to stay, finally saying,

“Remember Brew Baby the Cream Always Rises to the Top”

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